Читать книгу The Amazon Management System - Ram Charan - Страница 21

Senior executives


In the digital age, your job content will change radically.

Instead of spending most of your time supervising others and attending endless reviews, meetings, and committees, your job will be to study consumers directly (not through filters) and drive continuous innovation for them. Your job will require learning how to manage day-to-day operations by using data and metrics with digital tools, to hone your judgment, to make high-leverage decisions, to create mission-critical cross-functional teams with clear goals and specific outputs that innovate and deliver a better user experience, as well as to allocate resources and make mid-course adjustment in a timely fashion.

You will need to be imaginative, to be able to reinvent the business, organization and management system using digital tools, and to lead the transformation. Otherwise, digitization could be a big disruptor for you; and perhaps . . . . the terminator.

The Amazon Management System

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