Читать книгу Scattered Thoughts - Rance A. Robeson Sr. - Страница 22


Save the Children

We must save our children from illiteracy, prejudice, vice and crime. Show them a better way to utilize and share their precious time.

We mature adults must not put our children’s future on the shelf but give them positive tools to use

In order that their life will run smooth and they will not live like ignorant fools

Save the children from the evils of the world every boy and girl let peace unfurl for a better world

Our life time obligation should be inspiring dedication to lift up the next generation

Give them the gift of love, hope, faith and salvation

So they never experience hurt, harm or degradation

Our children are our gifts, joy and satisfaction

They deserve no bad distractions that ruin their thoughts and actions

Our children are additions not subtractions

Let us shower them with love and discipline to the maxim

Let each one, reach one, and teach one honesty awareness for fairness

Right from wrong, how to weather life storms

How to get along with others

Everyone is there sisters and brothers

We all make up the human race

Live and die under God’s love and grace

We must save our children to insist that justice, peace: love should always remain at the top of the list

We need to pull the plug on these so called gangstas and thugs who terrorize our communities and neighborhoods

Save our children with insight about education and school that needs to be used as a life changing tool

To enhance their lives like a living jewel

Our children must be taught to make their own unselfish decisions

About race, politics, nuclear arms and religious Real things that can pull us apart create divisions

Love, peace, human fairness should ultimately be our armor shield and protection from misdirection but

let us always be aware of our human connection

We need to always stay away from hostile aggression

Truth and love should be our reflection that keeps us on the right path moving in the right direction

Always let’s show and display self-worth being poor is not a curse

But rise up put the Lord first

They will make their mark here on earth

Our children depend on us, our love and trust

Setting life example is a must

Save the children with know-how, intelligence, unselfish wits and smarts

Give them a resolving cultivated heart

That will never leave them or depart

Scattered Thoughts

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