Читать книгу Practical School Discipline: Introductory Course - Ray Coppock Beery - Страница 5

Conduct and Discipline


Table of Contents

Not only is the teacher a great moral force in the school and community but certain of his traits and habits are so very closely related to discipline that the first part of the book is devoted exclusively to “The Teacher.”

The teacher should have a very definite code of morals—a code of morals that is in no sense vague or indefinite or weak. He should not be undecided even about small details relating to the moral code. Children admire strong characters. They are quick to detect weakness.

This Course presents a code of morals for the teacher which is very concrete. The teacher will consider it most sensible because every idea is grounded on sound and logical reasons. This part of the Course, in presenting reasons along with the detailed and definite code of morals should help every teacher who reads it. Even though you are now leading a strong, influential life, reading this part of the Course will strengthen your convictions and in that way help you to be yet stronger.

Practical School Discipline: Introductory Course

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