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In Chapters One, Two and Three I discuss the life force of prana, also known as chi, our ability to use it and how to raise it in our body via conscious belief systems. I speak about people who choose breatharian lifestyles and what defines them, as well as why this knowledge is not known to all.

In Chapter Four I explain why breatharians choose this lifestyle and concentrate on the spiritual and health benefits which come with it. I discuss different aspects of being a breatharian and the advantages I have seen manifest in my friends over the years.

In Chapter Five I discuss my personal story of discovery, choice and initiation. I detail my challenges and my inner call to make this knowledge available to the public.

In Chapter Six I delve into my television debut; the experience in which I volunteered to live for eight days without food or water under video surveillance, being medically monitored on a daily basis. Through this media exposure I became well-known which allowed me to connect with many curious souls who seek knowledge in the spiritual realms. (The show can be viewed on my website www.raymaor.com)

In Chapter Seven I explain the most commonly known methods of becoming a breatharian, including the method that I developed called The Pranic Living Group Initiation.

In Chapter Eight I discuss the mind-mastery that can be used to actively further one’s personal development. I share a collection of tips and tricks that assist in understanding the way our minds work, how to control and influence them, how to reprogram them and how to become more consciously aware of oneself.

In Chapters Nine through Fourteen I discuss the different challenges of being a breatharian from my own point of view and through the collective experiences of other breatharians whom I have initiated. I also give theories, scientific facts and additional thoughts about the different subjects discussed throughout the book.

A Year Without Food

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