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The breatharian population is made up of only a few thousand people scattered across the globe, therefore the social proof of their existence remains nearly mythological. Most people who do not personally know a breatharian have closed mindsets about the possibility of their innate existence. In other words, they refuse to believe what they cannot see for themselves. In my personal experience, when I tell someone new that I do not eat, we initially both laugh because it does not make much sense. Only after a few minutes when the person sees that I am sane, can I actually let him or her know that I am not joking. It is always interesting to see how the conversation continues from there.

An Uncommon Lifestyle

After the television exposure, it became much easier for me to explain this lifestyle to people. I also started eating two or three meals a week, which helped. To most people, I just say that the body can learn to live on very little. To those who seek a higher and more complete understanding, I explain it more thoroughly like I do in this book. The television exposure helped to turn the Is it possible? question into How is it possible?

Insufficient Scientific Research

Let’s face it—science does not like to address things it cannot explain. Even when concrete scientific data on the breatharian way of life is produced, it is unlikely that it will make headlines. Why? Proof of the existence of breatharians would call for a complete overhaul of the way science perceives and explains the normative functions of the human body. Thousands of books would have to be rewritten to acknowledge the amazing abilities of human consciousness. For this reason alone, scientists and doctors generally prefer to put the subject aside as if it is a joke.

Science, let’s not forget, is missing a lot of information. It is hard to ignore that there is a big missing link in our theory3 of evolution and we still have not discovered the origin of the first self-cloning biological cell. In fact, we have no idea how life began. Science also cannot tell us if our thoughts are created in the brain.

That being said, studies have been conducted on the breatharian way of life. The most famous one concentrates on an elder Indian man called Prahad Jani. The other scientific study conducted on me is described in Chapter 6. You can also see it online at www.raymaor.com.

The Breatharian Character

Most breatharians do not seek an audience; they just want to be left alone to enjoy their lives. This is a key reason why the breatharian lifestyle is not better known. Furthermore, most breatharian personalities are naturally introverted, seeking comfort in nature and distance from society.

When one knows oneself as intimately as this process encourages, one becomes humble and there is no egoistic need to prove oneself to others. In addition, most people do not understand—and sometimes do not want to understand. They find the truth too confronting. Perhaps they will accept the possibility after spending several consecutive days with a breatharian, watching he or she live and breathe (or more accurately, not eat) with their own eyes.

However, even then their logical minds may still refuse to accept this as a real possibility and they will work hard to find alternative reasons as to why it is impossible. As a breatharian, you come to understand there are different levels of acceptance and understanding for different individuals.

This is precisely why I have decided to share my experiences and make the subject more public. I realize that I may be called a heretic or a liar. I also know that I am strong enough to deal with the initial ridicule the subject inevitably evokes in western society.

As a breatharian, it is my intention to demonstrate the fullness of our human potential and what is possible. We unfortunately live in a society that highly underestimates the individual capacity for greatness. The truth is, our body is a vessel for something much greater, stronger and awesome than society would have you believe. However, we cannot begin to understand this until we transcend the illusions that keep us living in survival mode and the limits imposed by society’s low expectations of what it means to be human. Know this: you are a soul, not a body and with the power of your mind you can create your own reality.

A Year Without Food

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