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What Is Retail Arbitrage?


Retail arbitrage simply means to buy something low and sell it high. In the case of retail arbitrage for FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon, which is Amazon’s amazing service where they will hold your inventory, market it, take the customer’s payments, and pack and ship it for you), you’ll buy retail items, either online or offline, and sell them for more money on Amazon. It really is as simple as that.

Retail arbitrage is a lot of fun because you can do it in your spare time. Let’s say you’re shopping at Target or Walmart. You can simply head over to the clearance area, scan some of the items using one of the tools you’ve downloaded to your smartphone (such as ScanPower or ProfitBandit) and buy the items you know will be profitable.

Once you really start to get into this, you’ll be amazed at how many opportunities there are out there to profit in everyday stores, even in your local grocery store.

Some people who really get into this won’t let themselves leave a retail store until they know they will have profited enough to take care of all of their purchases – even the ones they are making for their household! That’s a really fun way to think about this business. It can pay for minor expenses and even build up into a full-time income.

You might be wondering if there really is that much profit potential out there. There definitely is. You can shop for a day and come away with thousands of dollars in profits, if you know what you’re doing.

Why don’t Amazon shoppers just shop these clearance isles or visit the stores you’re visiting? The fact is that what’s on clearance or available for a low price in your local area does not match up elsewhere. Amazon caters to people from all over the country and all over the world. People are willing to pay for the convenience of having Amazon ship items to them. You may have bought that toy for $5 on clearance at Target, but that person across the country is thrilled to pay $60 on Amazon for an in-demand toy that’s sold out in their area.

Products are marked down on clearance every day. Local stores price items differently every day. Many of these same items are highly in demand on Amazon.

Why not buy them low and sell them higher on Amazon for great profits? You’re helping people find items they can’t get, or don’t feel like finding, in their local area. They might live in an isolated location where there isn’t a Target or Walmart or Trader Joe’s or any number of other stores.

Yes, they could go online to the web sites, but often it’s the local stores that have clearance racks with inventory, not the online sites.

So you’re profiting handsomely by sending these items into FBA. It’s a great, exciting business.

Online Income Generation Evolution

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