Читать книгу The Origins of Christianity and the New Testament - Rebecca I. Denova - Страница 10

The Academic Discipline of Religious Studies


Religious Studies is a relatively new discipline in the academy (in the past seventy years). It is important to recognize the differences between Theology (the study of God) and Religious Studies. Theology involves the study of the nature of God and the way in which God and humans interact. Theologians address such issues from a preconceived faith conviction. There are thousands of books and articles on the theological study of Jesus and the New Testament.

Religious Studies (often referred to as “the academic study of religion”) focuses on the origins of religious authority (institutions), beliefs, rituals, sacred texts, and ethics. Absent value judgments of which religions are “right” or “wrong,” Religious Studies analyzes the people and societies who created religious traditions and the way in which they function.

Religious Studies utilizes a “multidisciplinary” approach and methodology that incorporates all the liberal arts and social sciences: classics, history, literature, anthropology, archaeology, sociology, philosophy, and psychology. In addition, the study of religion analyzes economics, politics, ethnic studies, ritual, gender studies, the arts, global studies, and cross-cultural approaches. Religious Studies explores the human experience of religion in specific cultures over time, as a “system of meaning.” This is the approach that is utilized in the following chapters. Working in tandem, a Religious Studies approach also sheds light on theological issues.

The Origins of Christianity and the New Testament

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