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Chapter Three

Charlie stared at the cups and dishes that she’d left on the table after fixing Jacob and Nate breakfast then worked to clean up. Nate had left for the fields. She had given Jacob his pain medicine and he was in the great room, resting on the sofa.

Dishes cleaned and put away, she turned her attention to the time. Would Nate come in for lunch? He didn’t say.

Nate had seemed relieved to see her that morning, but he’d said little except in appreciation of the food she’d prepared for him and Jacob.

With breakfast done, she found herself at loose ends. Now what? What should she do now?

Charlie grinned. She’d clean the house from top to bottom. The brothers’ mam would be surprised to see a clean house when only her sons were in residence.

She’d hung up the wet tea towel she’d used to dry dishes when suddenly the back door slammed open. She gasped and spun to see a furious man. “Nate? What’s wrong?”

“Charlie Stoltzfus,” he snapped, “did you take out the mower yesterday while Jacob and I were at the doctor?”

Charlie flushed guiltily and glanced away. “I wanted to help.”

“And I told you to stay away from the equipment!” he burst out.

“I know how to mow hay!”

He approached, grabbed her roughly by the shoulders, but despite his intimidating height and expression, he didn’t hurt her and she wasn’t afraid. “You saw what happened to Jacob yesterday,” he said. His eyes were like blue ice. “What if you’d been hurt while we were gone? Who would have been here to help you?” He released her and stepped back. He turned away. Tension tightened the muscles of his back, and he clenched his fists at his sides. He spun to face her. “People die in farm accidents, Charlie!”

Guilt made her flush. She felt a painful lump in her throat. “You’re right,” she said. “I’m sorry.”

Nate held her gaze. He looked big and handsome—and extremely upset.

“I’m sorry I used the mower without your permission.” She drew a sharp breath then released it. “I wanted to help. ’Tis supposed to rain soon and I knew you’d be missing a day’s work with Jacob’s accident yesterday. I thought if I finished what he’d started there would be less for you to worry about.” She fought back tears. Charlie shifted uncomfortably when he just stared at her. “Say something,” she said.

“You want to be schuulteacher,” he said harshly. “You have to think before you act, Charlie. Your behavior frequently gets you into trouble. How can you teach our community children if you jump into situations without giving a thought to the consequences?”

She felt the blood leave her face. “You don’t think I’d be a gut teacher.”

He sighed and approached her. “You need to be more careful. To grow up.” He placed his hands gently on her arms then soothed them down their length to take her hands. “I think you could be a fine teacher. You have a way with children. They listen to you and will gladly follow your lead.” He released her abruptly, his expression hardening. “But you won’t be teacher unless you can lead them by gut example. You have to stop jumping rashly into situations that can potentially be dangerous.”

“I know how to mow,” she insisted, stung. “And you refer to things I did as a child.”

He shifted away and crossed the room. “Maybe you do know how to mow. It doesn’t matter,” he said sharply. “I told you to stay away from the mowers and you didn’t. Gut intentions don’t make it right.” He leaned against the wall near the door. “And you acted like a child. A spoiled, disobedient child.”

“You’re not my vadder!” she yelled.

“Thank the Lord for that.”

Blinking sleepily, Jacob appeared in the doorway, clutching the door frame as he wobbled on one foot. “What’s going on?”

Nate studied his brother. “What are you doing up? If you fall, you’ll do further damage to yourself.”

“I thought I heard arguing.” The younger man glanced from her to his brother and back.

Charlie blushed. “We were just...”

“Having a serious discussion,” Nate said. His lips firmed. “She mowed hay yesterday while we were gone.”

Jacob glanced at her with surprise. “You did?”

Charlie hesitated then inclined her head. “I know how to mow. I’ve done it for my dat.”

Nate’s brother grinned. “How much did you get done?”

“I finished the back acreage where you left off and a little more.”

“Don’t,” Nate warned Jacob. “Don’t encourage her. You know what can happen when an accident occurs with the mower. She could have been hurt or worse.”

His expression sobering, Jacob gazed at her. “He’s right.”

She lifted her chin defiantly. “Maybe.”

Nate stared at his brother. “Jake, you need to lie down before you fall.”

To Charlie’s surprise, Jacob agreed. She moved to help him into the other room, but Nate reached him first. As if he didn’t trust her to help Jacob. Hurt, she stayed in the kitchen while the brothers disappeared into the other room. While she waited for Nate to return, she felt the strongest urge to flee. But she didn’t. She might have made a huge mistake with the mower, but she was just trying to help. Charlie still thought he’d overacted, and she wouldn’t run as if she’d done something wrong.

But she didn’t want him to think her unreliable and immature. She wanted the teaching job and needed to show him that she was a dependable, no-nonsense young woman who would make the best teacher ever hired for their Happiness School. A wrong word from Nate or anyone else within the community would end her chances to teach. As much as it upset her to change, she understood she needed to be on her best behavior. Even if it killed her to change into someone other than herself.

* * *

After making sure Jacob was comfortable on the sofa, Nate returned to the kitchen. He paused in the doorway, his gaze immediately homing in on Charlie. She stared out the window over the sink. There was a defeated slump to her shoulders, and he could feel her dejection like pain in his belly. But as much as it hurt him to see her this way, he knew he was right to be hard on her.

He stepped into the room. “Charlie.”

She spun as if taken by surprise. A look of vulnerability settled on her pretty features. He scowled. He didn’t want to notice how lovely she was or to recall her misguided intentions to help. If she didn’t rein in her tendency to jump into potentially dangerous situations, she could get seriously injured. Or die.

Her breath shuddered out. “Jacob oll recht?”

Ja. He’s asleep.”

Her mouth softened into a slight smile. “The pain medication.”

He nodded, unable to take his gaze off her. He’d been more than a little alarmed when he’d realized that she’d used the mower. If something had happened to her...

A memory came to him sharp and painful of another young girl who’d been reckless and wild like Charlie. He’d loved Emma with all of the love in a young boy’s heart, but it hadn’t been enough. Despite his repeated warnings, Emma had continued to take risks in her quest for excitement. She’d claimed that she loved him, but in the end, he wasn’t enough to keep her happy. He’d warned her to avoid the young Englishers in town, but she hadn’t listened.

Instead, she’d called him a spoilsport for ruining her fun. Then one night she’d slipped out of the house during her rumspringa to spend time with her new English friends. The teenage driver had crashed his car, the accident seriously wounding his passengers, three English girls, and killing Emma immediately.

Nate hadn’t known of Emma’s plans that night. Later in his grief, he’d realized that Emma would have hated being married to an Amish farmer. Never content to be a wife and a mother, she would have always craved—and gone looking for—excitement.

Charlie shifted uncomfortably under his gaze and he looked away. Charlie needed a husband, he thought. A man to ground her. Someone closer to her age with enough sense to help her reach her potential as a responsible wife and mother.


“I only wanted to help, Nathaniel,” she said.

He stifled a smile at the use of his formal given name. She tended to use it whenever she was upset with him. “I know.”

“But I didn’t, did I? I made you worry and I didn’t mean to.”

He sighed. “Next time you need to listen when I tell you something.”

“I guess that will depend on what you say,” she said cheekily.

“Charlie,” he warned.

“I’m not a child, and I can only be me.”

“I need to get back to work,” he said abruptly. He had to maintain his distance. He mustn’t think of her as anything other than a child.

“Will you be back for lunch?”

He hesitated. “I’m not sure. If I am, most likely I’ll be late. If the two of you get hungry, eat.” He grabbed his hat from the table where he’d tossed it earlier. “I need to stay out and cut as much hay as possible before it rains.”

An odd sound made him spin around. Charlie looked as if she was going to say something but she didn’t.

Nate studied her face and had to stifle amusement at the aggrieved look in her green eyes. “Stay in the haus, Charlie. Jacob needs you.”

She sniffed as if he’d found fault with her. “I’ll keep an eye on him.”

He didn’t release her gaze. “Gut.” Jamming his hat on his head, he opened the back door and took one last look to find her reaching for the broom. “Charlie.”

She spun as if startled. “Ja?”


She glared at him. “Go mow your hay, vadder,” she mocked.

Nate chuckled under his breath as he left, pulling the door shut behind him. He was overly conscious that Charlie was in his home, doing her best to help out in a bad situation. He didn’t know what he would have done if she hadn’t been there yesterday.

He gauged the sky, noting the gathering dark clouds in the far distance. The last thing he needed was for it to rain before he was done.

He couldn’t dawdle. Time was passing too quickly, and he’d already spent too much of it at the house when he should have been in the fields. But after realizing what Charlie had done, he hadn’t been able to stay away.

Nate scowled. Lately, Charlie was taking up way too many of his thoughts. She wanted to be a teacher. Maybe that was just what she needed—a job to keep her busy and that would make her take responsibility more seriously. His mam frequently sang Charlie’s praises for the way she handled his younger siblings. Mam obviously felt Charlie responsible enough to watch her children while she did other things.

He had a ton of work to do, Nate reminded himself. He forced Charlie from his mind to focus on the task at hand.

Four hours later he was pleased to realize that he’d cut more acreage than expected. He hated to admit it, but Charlie’s work in the back fields the previous morning had helped him. As he stabled his Belgian team, he felt the first of the rain. He closed the barn door then headed to the house, his thoughts immediately returning to Charlie and the lunch she’d promised him.

Nate was overwhelmed with a sudden chill as the rain began to fall in earnest, soaking him. As he reached the house, the door opened and Charlie stood, studying him with a worried look. “’Tis raining,” she said, eyeing him carefully, noting his soaked clothes.

Nate nodded. “I know.” Water dripped from his straw hat onto the porch decking. He tugged off his hat, and his hair underneath was sopping. The hat had done nothing to keep out the rain. She held out her hand for the hat then stepped back so he could enter the house. He followed her with his gaze. “You were worried.”

She looked away, apparently unwilling to admit concern. “I made soup,” she said.

He let it go. “Sounds gut.” He shivered. “And hot.” He smiled. “I need warming up.”

“You should change into dry garments,” she suggested.

He spun toward her. “Is that an order?”

“It would help.” She blinked. “And it was just an idea.”

He grinned, silently laughing at her. “’Tis a gut one.” He started across the kitchen toward the hall to the stairs. He halted and faced her. “How’s Jacob?”

“Seems oll recht. He’s resting. In fact, he’s been sleeping most of the morning. He woke up about an hour ago and I made him tea, but I think he’s fallen asleep again.”

“He needs his rest.” He turned to leave.


He spun back. “Ja?”

“Did you finish the mowing?”

“I did.”

She looked relieved. “Gut. I’ll check on Jacob then put the soup on the table.”

“What kind of soup?” he asked, curious.

“Ham and lima bean.”

His favorite. Humph. Was she aware? He studied her a moment. Nay, he decided, eyeing her with approval. So she could make soup. What else could she cook? He needed to know if he was to find her a husband. After I help her to get the teaching position at our Happiness School.

* * *

Jacob opened his eyes as Charlie entered the room. “How are you feeling?” she asked softly.

“Like someone slashed my foot with a sickle.”

“I’m sorry,” she said with genuine sympathy. “Is there anything I can do to help?”

“Nay.” He gave her a small smile. “I’ll live but danki.”

“Are you hungry? Nate’s back.” She’d been sick with relief when he’d walked, dripping wet, into the house. She’d fretted all morning, wondering if the mower had overturned and pinned him beneath metal.

“Nate’s home?”

She shook off the mental image. “Ja. ’Tis raining. He’s changing into dry clothes.” She waited patiently as he sat up. “Can I help you into the kitchen?”

Nay. I need to talk with him first,” he said gruffly. “You go. We’ll be there in a few minutes.”

Not understanding why Jacob’s comment stung her, Charlie returned to the kitchen. She set out bowls, napkins and silverware. She sliced the loaf of bread she’d found earlier in the pantry and cut up a block of cheddar in case they wanted a sandwich.

Nate entered alone moments later as she debated whether or not anything was missing from the table. She knew the exact second he entered the room.

“Did Jacob eat?” he asked.

Nay. He’ll join us, but said he wants to talk with you first.” She watched Nate’s brow furrow before he left to check on his brother.

He was gone a long time. Now that he was home, there was no need for her to stay. She would eat, then clean up before taking her leave.

Nate entered, his arm supporting Jacob. He helped him to the table and pulled out a chair. Charlie adjusted the seat opposite for Jake to use as a footrest.

“The soup smells gut.” Nate grabbed the chair next to his brother. “I’m starved. How about you, Jake?”

Looking pale, Jacob didn’t answer.

Charlie frowned. “You don’t like ham and bean soup, Jake?”

“I like it well enough. I don’t feel much like eating.”

“I can heat up a can of chicken soup. There’s one in the pantry.”

“Nay,” Jacob said with a genuine smile. “I’ll have a cup of the ham and bean.”

Charlie ladled the soup into a large tureen and placed it in the center of the table. She held out her hand for Nate’s bowl. His gaze locked on her as he gave it to her. The intensity of his look made her face heat. She hoped he’d believe it was from the hot soup rather than from her reaction to him. She set a filled bowl carefully before him then reached to fill a cup for Jacob. “Would you like bread, Jake?” she asked. “If your stomach is upset, it may help.”

He looked surprised but nodded. Charlie passed him the bread plate and butter dish. Jacob reached for a slice and buttered it.

“Don’t I get bread, too?” Nate teased.

She felt suddenly flustered until she realized that he was giving her a hard time simply because he could. A little imp inside made her cheeky. “Ja. Jacob, pass your bruder the bread plate, please.”

Nate continued to watch her. Her stomach reacted when he gave her a slow smile. She looked away, filled her soup bowl then sat down across from Nate.

The men expressed appreciation for her cooking, and Charlie felt inordinately pleased by their praise. She ate her soup slowly, not wanting to rush and spill it. The brothers discussed the farmwork to be done once the rain stopped.

“I need to fix the leak in our storage building roof,” Nate said.

“Can’t you just bale it into rolls and cover them in plastic to leave outside?” Charlie asked. Many Amish farmers within her community stored hay that way.

Surprisingly, it was Jacob who looked at her as if she were an oddity.

Nate calmly explained why they chose to bale the hay into blocks instead. They would lay plastic over the top of the stack to protect them from the weather until they could move the hay inside. “’Tis easier to store. Hay wrapped too long in plastic can ferment. Feeding fermented hay to our animals can make them tipsy. Dat doesn’t like to use fermented hay.”

“My vadder has used rolled hay bales.” She paused. “I have seen tipsy cows on occasion.”

Nate regarded her patiently. “Many use rolled bales successfully, but my vadder isn’t one of them.”

The men finished eating. Charlie ate the last of her soup then stood to clear the table. Nate rose and helped Jacob into the other room. He returned within moments as she stacked dirty dishes on the counter near the sink. “You have plenty of soup left for another meal,” she said as she ran hot water into a dish basin. When he didn’t comment, she faced him. “Is something wrong?” She sighed with disappointment. “The soup didn’t taste gut.” Dismayed, she began to wash dishes.

“It was delicious,” he assured her as he approached. To her shock, he pulled out a dish towel and started to dry the dishes.

“I’m glad you liked it.” She grew silent. “You don’t have to dry dishes.”

“I want to. Like you, I don’t mind helping others.”

She didn’t know how to respond. Was he mocking her? “Is that a subtle reminder of what I’ve done wrong?”

“Nay.” He continued to work in silence.

She was conscious of him working beside her, the way his big hands handled the bowl carefully as he ran the towel over its surface. As he dried each one, Nate stacked them on the countertop near the cabinet where they’d be put away.

She needed to leave, she thought. Being this close to Nate made her uneasy.

“Now that you’re here, I’ll leave once I’m done here.”

She felt him tense up. “Will you come back tomorrow?”

“You want me to?” she asked with surprise.

“I need someone to stay with Jacob,” he said without warmth. “Tomorrow I’ll be working with Jed.”

Charlie closed her eyes briefly. When she opened them, it was to find Nate staring at her strangely with dish in hand. “I’ll send one of my sisters if I can’t make it. Either way, Mam needs to know.”

“That’s fine. But make sure she understands that no one else can know. My dat has waited a long time for this trip. If anyone accidentally lets the news slip when he calls to leave a message, he’ll insist on coming home.”

After the leftover food was put away and the kitchen cleaned, Charlie reached for her coat by the back door. “I’m heading out,” she said.

“Danki.” The intent focus of his blue eyes gave her goose bumps.

She lifted her coat only to feel it taken from her hands. Nate held it open for her so she could slide an arm into each sleeve. Then, to her shock, she felt his hands briefly settle on her shoulders before she’d pulled the garment closed. Pulse racing, she avoided his gaze. “Tell Jake I hope he feels better.”

“I will.” There was an odd huskiness to Nate’s voice that she’d never heard before. He eyed her with an expression that made the back of her neck tingle as she met his gaze.

She cleared her throat. “I’ll make sure someone is here for him tomorrow morning.”

“Fine.” He accompanied her to the door.

“What time?”

“Eight? Jed will be here at eight thirty.”

She nodded. “Someone will be here before then.”

“Be careful,” he said, seemingly unmoved by the knowledge that she wouldn’t be the one coming. “The roads can be slippery when wet.”

Charlie didn’t respond, although she could have argued that she’d driven in the rain hundreds of times without any problems. She donned her traveling bonnet before she dashed outside. She sensed that Nate was behind her. She spun to face him. “Nay, go back inside! You’ll get wet again.”

She didn’t wait to see if he listened. She climbed inside her vehicle, picked up the leathers, then left without another look. Her thoughts were in turmoil as she steered the horse toward home. She’d ask Ellie if she could stay with Jacob. If Ellie wasn’t available, she’d ask Meg or Nell.

Tomorrow she’d speak with the bishop about becoming teacher. She couldn’t avoid it any longer. It was time to get her life in order. Her sudden desire wasn’t because the thought of seeing Nate so soon again thoroughly unnerved her.

Or was it?

Charlie released a sharp breath, all too aware of Nate’s negative view of her. She’d prove that she was the perfect woman for the teaching job, and that her students would benefit from her instruction. Not that it really mattered what Nate thought, unless it affected or hurt her chances in getting the position.

Her Amish Christmas Gift

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