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“You’re bleeding. Come with me.”

She glanced down, saw a trail of blood down her right leg. “I’ll be fine.”

“Ja, you will,” he said, “after I put a bandage on it.”

“I don’t need your help.”

His eyes narrowed and he looked annoyed. He heaved a sigh. “Would you like me to pick you up and throw you over my shoulder?” he murmured for her ears alone.

“You wouldn’t dare!”

“Wouldn’t I?”

Face flushing, Charlie glanced around and saw that no one found it odd that she and Nate were having a conversation. The last thing she wanted to do was to cause a scene. She’d done enough impulsive things in her life that had given her parents undue worry. “Fine. Let’s not make a big thing of it,” she muttered, meeting his gaze.

To her relief, he simply nodded. He didn’t look smug that he’d won their argument. In fact, she felt an odd little flutter in her chest when she saw the way he continued to eye her with concern.

Her Amish Christmas Gift

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