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From the Editor


The outgoing 2021 leaves a feeling that the transformation of the traditional business paradigm is inevitable – this year have had so many conferences devoted to the Sustainable Development Goals, ESG agenda, impact investments as never before.

It becomes quite normal for a business to acquire real social features – when the company’s responsibility goes far beyond traditional CSR programs and benefit packages for employees. More and more often it becomes «abnormal» when the corporate attitude is different. Quoting one of the experts in an interview to our magazine, «at business parties they no longer ask you how you make money, and they ask you how you change other persons’ lives and what your impact is.»

The emergence of a magazine dedicated to the topic of impact investments and social impact assessment seems to be a logical continuation of this story. The magazine that brings you today’s global agendas, become aware of cases and tools with proven effectiveness, get inspired by experience and lessons learned of those who have been on this path for a long time.

The first issue of the magazine deals with the results of this amazing year: the most interesting international publications, expert views on the past and future of impact investments, on different approaches to assessment of social impact, scientific analysis of terminology and to many other interesting subjects which are worth to know. Moreover, another interesting publishing project has become a part of this magazine – the Social Entrepreneurship of Russia catalog.

The year is ending, but new opportunities, views, and methods are emerging and this is the reason why it is so interesting to take a look into the future, where the outlines of a new economy and beautiful new socio-economic landscapes become visible. How are the conditions for such changes being created? How to make these changes sustainable? How to evaluate the results achieved? Let’s try to find out together on the pages of the Positive Changes magazine.

Позитивные изменения. Том 1, №1 (2021). Positive changes. Volume 1, Issue 1 (2021)

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