Позитивные изменения. Том 2, № 2 (2022). Positive changes. Volume 2, Issue 2 (2022)

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Редакция журнала «Позитивные изменения». Позитивные изменения. Том 2, № 2 (2022). Positive changes. Volume 2, Issue 2 (2022)
От редакции
From the Editor
Программная статья / Policy essay
Россия – страна позитивных изменений. Авторская статья Алексея Рыжкова – социального инвестора, учредителя группы компаний Seven Suns Development, основателя Фабрики позитивных изменений
Russia – the Country of Positive Changes. Opinion piece by Alexey Ryzhkov, a social investor and the founder of the Seven Suns Development Group and the Positive Changes Factory
Экспертные мнения / Expert Opinions
Игра вдолгую: точки роста и перспективы Social Impact Bonds в России
The Long Game: Growth Points and Prospects of Social Impact Bonds in Russia
Впереди «Большая перемена»: векторы развития нового движения детей и молодежи
Big Break Ahead: Vectors for the Development of the New Children's and Youth Movement
Экспертные статьи / Expert Publications
«Песочницы» социальных инвестиций: как в мире развиваются проекты Social Impact Bonds
«Sandboxes» for Social Investments: how Social Impact Bonds Projects are Developing Globally
Школа Будущего. Есть ли в ней место для развития soft skills?
The School of the Future. Does it Have the Room for Soft Skills Development?
Старые новые вызовы городов будущего. Тренды, риски и возможности современной урбанизации
Old New Challenges for the Cities of the Future. Trends, Risks and Opportunities of Modern Urbanization
Кейс выпуска / Case of Issue
Возможности использования методологии контрибутивной оценки на примере проекта «Чистые игры»
The Use of the Contributive Analysis Methodology on the Case of the «Clean Games» Project
Исследования / Research Studies
К оценке импакта со всей строгостью. Возможности использования математических методов в измерении социального воздействия (на примере Health Insurance Subsidy Program)
Evaluating Impact with All Rigor Possible. Applicability of Mathematical Methods in Measuring Social Impact (Exemplified by the Health Insurance Subsidy Program)
Импакт-инвестирование как объект исследования. Дайджест публикаций 2022 года
Impact Investing as an Object of Research. 2022 Publications Digest
Новая жизнь издательского проекта «Каталог «Социальное предпринимательство России»
New Life of the Publishing Project "Catalog "Social Entrepreneurship of Russia"
Отрывок из книги
There are more and more sunny days, the long-awaited summer is finally here. Life goes on, despite difficult times for everyone. Every crisis reveals deep problems, but challenges are much easier to handle when acting in partnership, in unity.
The summer issue of Positive Changes Magazine was dedicated to Social Impact Bonds (SIB) projects, which have an important feature in that they are carried out in partnership among several parties. An important change in the development of SIB in Russia happened in April 2022 – a new important player appeared, namely the Agency of Strategic Initiatives. We tried to explore different options for the development of this social investment tool in Russia, based on an analysis of foreign experience and interviews with Russian experts. Another hot topic was the nationwide discussion of the prospects for setting up a new youth movement. We interviewed experts to see what the options for such a movement might be.
"This starts with the actual project passport submitted for consideration. Right now, it barely details the outcome evaluation methods. The main focus goes to the most formalized external data of immediate actions and immediate results. The reasons for this are clear, but the work to improve documentation is not enough. The reference to an independent examination and evaluation of projects based on the results, without detailing the mechanisms of this evaluation, allows only the official statistics to exist, without any research before and after, or specific development to match the project monitoring methods", Vladimir Vainer explains.
Secondly, we can distinguish problems at two levels at once. At the level of the implementation efficiency, it should definitely focus on stimulating the growth of investment, but now there is more reliance on the registration of existing CSR programs of the large corporations, which are invited to move their existing programs into the new format.