Позитивные изменения. Том 2, № 1 (2022). Positive changes. Volume 2, Issue 1 (2022)

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Редакция журнала «Позитивные изменения». Позитивные изменения. Том 2, № 1 (2022). Positive changes. Volume 2, Issue 1 (2022)
От редакции
From the Editor
Экспертные мнения / Expert Opinions
«Сколько пользы я приношу сейчас миру? И расту ли я сам?» – два критерия импакта в карьере. Интервью с Алёной Владимирской
How am I Improving the World Right Now? Am I Improving Myself? – The Two Criteria of Impact in your Career. Interview with Alena Vladimirskaya
Экспертные статьи / Expert Publications
«Дайте мне инструмент, и я переверну землю»: возможности диджитализации методов в оценке социального воздействия
Give Me a Tool and I shall Move the World: Digitalization Options for Social Impact Assessment Methods
Методика Outcome mapping – «Создание карт поведенческих изменений»
Outcome Mapping – Creating a Map of Behavioral Changes
«Универсальная линейка» оценки социального воздействия: подход Глобальной сети импакт-инвесторов
Universal Milestone: the Global Impact Investing Network’s Approach to Assessing Social Impact
Исследования / Research Studies
Импакт и импакт-инвестиции в СМИ и социальных медиа
Impact and Impact Investing in Traditional and Social Media
Флекситарианцы, пандемия и растительные продукты: как забота о здоровье меняет рынок FMCG-ритейла
Flexitarians, Pandemic and plant-Based Products: How Healthy Lifestyle Changes the FMCG Retail Market
Кейс выпуска: исследование социального воздействия инклюзивного кинотеатрального проекта «ВзаимоДействие»
Case of the Issue: Research of Social Impact of InterAction Project, an Inclusive Cinema and Theater Project
Новая жизнь издательского проекта «Каталог «Социальное предпринимательство России»
New Life of the Publishing Project “Catalog “Social Entrepreneurship of Russia”
Отрывок из книги
Spring is traditionally associated with changes. Nature changes, and life changes with it. After a mild and relaxed winter, spring catches up with us all at once: we want to move forward, invent and create. It is a time of «sowing» and anticipation of the harvest. "What you sow, you shall reap" is a universal principle in any sphere of human activity. However, the quality of the «harvest» often depends not only on the «seeds», but also on many other factors.
How to improve the "harvest” in the sphere of impact entrepreneurship is the main theme of the spring almanac "Positive Changes”. On its pages, experts tell how to plan the results at the beginning of the social project, with the help of which online tools it is easiest to measure these results, what are the "universal rulers” of social impact assessment, how to evaluate the personal impact in the context of the company impact. The main case study of the issue is a study of the social impact of the inclusive cinema and theater project "InterAction”. A separate material is devoted to the study of the use of impact terms in online media and social networks. We also publish an article about a new type of diet – flexitarianism, which implies reduction of meat consumption. According to the researchers, this trend in conscious eating will have a big impact on the market in the near future. The issue traditionally features examples of Russian projects from the "Catalog "Social Entrepreneurship of Russia”.
Is this why you at Facancy (a job-seeking service for middle and top management founded by Alena Vladimirskaya and Sergei Druzhinin – ed. note) disclose salaries for any job offering?
Yes, and we are tired of explaining to recruiters why they need to do the same. They don't get it, don't do it, get annoyed. On our website, companies must disclose average salary forks for every opening. For any vacancy for “white collars” you can see three figures – minimum, maximum, and median salary, meaning the most common one. Social impact also involves salary transparency right from the start, already during the job interview. You need to understand how to increase your income and get clear career progress criteria.