Читать книгу Western Bird Guide - Reed Charles Keller - Страница 17
MAN-O’-WAR BIRDS – Family Fregatidæ
Оглавление140. Querquedula discors. 15 inches
Male has the head a dark gray with white crescent in front of the eye; under parts chestnut heavily spotted with black; wing coverts bright blue. Female similar to female Green-wing, but has the blue wing coverts. In flight can be easily separated from the Green-wing by its darker under parts. Their flight is very rapid, and usually in compact lines. This is more common east of the Rockies than the other.
Nest.– Made of grass and nicely lined with feathers placed in the reeds bordering marshes. 8 to 12 creamy colored eggs are laid.
Range.– North America, breeding more abundantly than the former farther north in its range.