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PELICANS. – Family Pelecanidæ



125. Pelecanus erythrorhynchos. 60 inches

Plumage mostly white, with black primaries; eyes white; bill and feet yellow, the former in the breeding season having a thin upright knob about midway on the top of the upper mandible. They get their food by approaching a school of small fish and suddenly dipping their head beneath the surface, sometimes scooping a large number of fish at a time; they contract the pouch, allowing the water to run out of the sides of the mouth, and then swallow the fish.

Nest.– On the ground made of sticks and weeds, generally only a lining about the outer edge; the eggs being placed upon the ground. Two or three eggs are laid, pure chalky white (3.45 × 2.30).


127. Pelecanus californicus. 55 inches

Upper parts gray; lower brownish streaked with white; back of neck rich velvety brown; head and throat white.

Nest.– On the ground or in small trees, composed of sticks and weeds. Three or four chalky white eggs (3.10 × 1.95).

Western Bird Guide

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