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The first Chapter.
ОглавлениеOf witchmongers opinions concerning evill spirits, how they frame themselves in more excellent sort than God made us.
AMES SPRENGER and Henrie Institor, in M. Mal. Mal. malef. par. 2. cap. 4 quæst. 1.agreing with Bodin, Barth. Spineus, Danæus, Erastus, Hemingius, and the rest, doo make a bawdie discourse; labouring to proove by a foolish kind of philosophie, that evill spirits cannot onlie take earthlie forms and shapes of men; but also counterfeit hearing, seeing, &c: and likewise, that they can eate and devoure meats, and also reteine, digest, and avoid the same: and finallie, use diverse kinds of activities, but speciallie excell in the use and art of venerie. For M. Mal. saith, that The eies and earesIf his bodilie eies were out, he would see but ilfavoredlie. of the mind are farre more subtill than bodilie eies or carnall eares. Yea it is there affirmed, that as they take bodies, and the likenesse of members; so they take minds and similitudes of their operations. But by the way, I would have them answer this question. Our minds and soules are spirituall things. If our corporall eares be stopped, what can they heare or conceive of anie externall wisedome? And truelie, a man of such a constitution of bodie, as they imagine of these spirits, which make themselves, &c: were of farre more excellent substance, &c: than the bodies of them that God made in paradise; and so the divels workmanship should excexed the handie worke of God the father and creator of all things./