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First and foremost, I would like to thank Neil Badmington for his advice, encouragement and friendship throughout the project. His feedback and fine espressos were the fuel that ensured a steady progression. · I owe a debt of thanks to the following for their support during various stages of the project: Iain Bailey, Elizabeth Barry, Jonathan Boulter, Peter Boxall, Mary Bryden, Mark S. Byron, Julie Campbell, Arka Chattopadhyay, Rick Cluchey, Paul Crosthwaite, Raymond Federman, Matthew Feldman, Peter Fifield, Stanley Gontarski, Dan Gunn, Julia Jordan, David Houston Jones, Seán Kennedy, James Knowlson, James Martell, Ulrika Maude, Laurent Milesi, Irene Morra, Becky Munford, Mark Nixon, Anthony Paraskeva, Bryan Radley, Jean-Michel Rabaté, Laura Salisbury, David Tucker, Dirk Van Hulle, Shane Weller, and Adam Winstanley. · I would also like to thank Series Editor Paul Stewart for his diligence and support during crucial stages, and to Valerie Lange of Ibidem Press for her help and guidance throughout the publication process · I am grateful to the Arts and Humanities Research Council, for their financial support during the principal research of this study · I would like to acknowledge the patient and helpful staff of Cardiff University’s Arts and Social Studies Library. · A big thank you to the supportive community of postgraduate researchers based at the School of English, Communication and Philosophy. · Thank you to John Minihan for kindly providing a photograph for the front cover · A big thank you to my family, Hazel, Brian, and Robert Tranter, and to my in-laws Leslie and Don Whitney, for their generosity, understanding, and support at various points throughout the project· And finally, my largest debt of gratitude goes to Jennifer Dawn Whitney, a tireless listener and scrupulous crrritic who has been a constant source of guidance and inspiration. Needless to say, all errors are my own.

Some sections of the material in this book have appeared in earlier versions in the following publications: ‘“without solution of continuity”: Beckett’s That Time and Trauma Memoir’, Samuel Beckett Today / Aujourd ‘hui, Vol.27 (2015), 115-128; and ‘Late Stage: Trauma, Time and Subjectivity in Samuel Beckett’s Footfalls’ in Samuel Beckett & The Encounter of Philosophy and Literature, ed. Arka Chattopadhyay and James Martell (London: Roman Books, 2013) (ISBN: 9380905513), 118-135.

Rhys Tranter

Cardiff, South Wales

August 2017

Beckett’s Late Stage

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