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ОглавлениеSterna anæstheta Scopoli, Del. Flor. et Faun. Insubr. (1786), 1, 92; Saunders, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. (1896), 25, 101; Sharpe, Hand-List (1899), 1, 136; Oates, Cat. Birds’ Eggs (1901), 1, 190; McGregor and Worcester, Hand-List (1906), 20. Worcester, Phil. Jour. Sci. (1907), 2, sec. A, 275, pl. 1 (nesting place).
Didicas Rocks (Worcester); Panay (Sonnerat). African and Indian seas to China, Japan, Moluccas, northern Australian, Pacific Islands; Gulf of Mexico, Western Indies.
“Adult in breeding plumage.—Loral stripe black; upper forehead, crown, and nape black; shoulders slate-gray, passing into dark grayish brown on mantle; no visible white on secondaries; primaries umber-brown, shafts black, the ‘wedges’ on inner webs very narrow and not sharply defined; rump and principal tail-feathers grayish brown like the mantle, but the streamers white on outer and upper portions of inner webs, and the next pair of rectrices whitish at their bases; abdomen and breast grayish white; under wing-coverts and throat pure white. Bill, tarsi, and toes black, the inner webs of the latter considerably excised. Length, 355 to 380; culmen, 45; wing, 262; tail, 190; depth of fork, 102; tarsus, 20; middle toe with claw, 30. The sexes are alike in plumage.
“Adult in winter plumage.—Similar to the above, but the lores and crown mottled with white for a short time.
“Immature.—Generally similar, but with more white on the head; whitish tips to the feathers of the back, which, when fresh, are somewhat gray; a dark line along upper wing-coverts, and less white on outer rectrices. Full plumage is not attained until the bird is at least two years old.
“Young.—Head streaked and mottled with brownish black; feathers of upper parts dark brown with rufous tips, which subsequently become paler, approaching white, and finally wear away; under parts grayish white. Bill and toes brownish.” (Saunders.)