Читать книгу A Manual of Philippine Birds - Richard C. McGregor - Страница 256
Оглавлениеa1. Culmen equal to or less than tarsus.b1. No hind toe. Calidris (p. 132)b2. Hind toe present.c1. Tarsus about equal to middle toe with claw. Pisobia (p. 133)c2. Tarsus longer than middle toe with claw. Heteropygia (p. 138)
a2. Culmen longer than tarsus.b1. Eye not placed far back in the head; ear opening well behind posterior margin of eye.c1. Larger; wing more than 150 mm.; culmen more than 40 mm. Tringa (p. 141)c2. Smaller; wing less than 130 mm.; culmen less than 40 mm.d1. Bill slender, upper mandible narrow, its tip slightly expanded; upper tail-coverts white. Erolia (p. 139)d2. Bill broad and flat; end of upper mandible decidedly decurved, its tip pointed; upper tail-coverts not white. Limicola (p. 142)b2. Eye placed well back in head; ear opening just below hinder margin of eye.c1. Tarsus less than middle toe with claw; culmen nearly twice the length of tarsus; culmen straight. Gallinago (p. 143)c2. Tarsus more than middle toe with claw and but little less than culmen; culmen decidedly decurved at its tip. Rostratula (p. 147)