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ОглавлениеParra gallinacea Temminck, Pl. Col. (1831), 5, pl. 464.
Hydralector gallinaceus Sharpe, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. (1896), 24, 79; Hand-List (1899), 1, 168; Oates, Cat. Birds’ Eggs (1902), 2, 73; Mearns, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. (1905), 13, 89; McGregor and Worcester, Hand-List (1906), 30.
Mindanao (Mearns). Australia, Celebes, southern Borneo.
“Adult male.—Above bronzy brown, more dingy on the lower back and rump; upper tail-coverts and tail black, all but the center tail-feathers white at base; wing-coverts like the back; marginal coverts, alula, primary-coverts, and quills black, with a slight bluish gloss; inner secondaries bronzy brown like the back; forehead behind the lappet to center of crown, sides of face, and sides of neck golden straw-color; throat white, inclining to golden straw-color on fore neck; an infra-loral streak of black from fore part of cheeks to fore part of eye; hinder crown black, extending in a broad line down hind neck and overspreading upper mantle; chest, breast, and sides of body, as well as under wing-coverts and axillars, sooty black; entire abdomen, lower flanks, thighs, and under tail-coverts white; quills glossy black below. ‘Bill greenish gray at the extreme tip, then black to near nostrils; basal portion of upper mandible and the helmet aurora-red; base of lower mandible light primrose-yellow; fore part of tibia red, with a mixture in patches of yellow and greenish gray; iris light sulphur-yellow; eyelash light ash-gray.’ (Gould.) Length, 229; culmen with frontal lappet, 46; wing, 142; tail, 41; tarsus, 61; middle toe with claw, 91.
“Adult female.—Resembles the male in color but is decidedly larger; a male from Port Essington measures 178 in length and has the wing 119, while a female from the same place measures 215 in length and has the wing 142.
“Young.—Differs considerably from the adult. General color olive-brown above, the feathers with sandy-rufous margins; crown bright rufous; under surface entirely white.” (Sharpe.)