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WHEN I WAS first approached about writing a guide to the thirty best places to bird in British Columbia I had two main concerns: It sounded dangerously similar to my first book—Birdfinding in British Columbia—and I knew I couldn’t possibly come up with a Top 30 without leaving out several hundred equally magnificent places and consequently upsetting dozens of people as a result. However, I couldn’t resist the temptation to write more about my home province and the phenomenal birding areas therein.

To address my first concern, I have tried my best to update, improve, and add to the information contained in my first book, including more site-specific information. I’m also sharing a few stories and musings that I hope enhance the context of each chapter. I know that several fantastic birding locations were left out, and certainly Powell River, Kitimat, the Stewart-Cassiar Hwy., and many lovely areas in central and southeastern British Columbia deserve more attention, but those give me an excuse for a future book.

Did I have a strict formula for selecting the sites in this book? Not really. In general, I wanted each major ecological region of BC to be represented, but I also had to keep in mind where most birders are, where most birders travel, and what sites provide a variety of birds in settings that are both beautiful and convenient. So why did I include Triangle Island? Quite frankly, it’s easily one of the most important locations for birds in BC. Unfortunately, it’s also one of the hardest places to get to in the province, but its remoteness creates an allure and mystique that makes it all the more interesting to read about. After Triangle Island, the chapters are ordered in the same way one might explore the province by car, with each site connected to the next by one of BC’s numerous highways (though ferries and small side-trips are, of course, necessary for some). Fittingly, the journey ends in another remote triangle—that of the Haines Triangle.

Some birding sites demand attention due to the sheer beefiness of their checklists, while others offer unique species in beautiful environments. My own experience presents an obvious bias. You’ll notice that four Okanagan Valley sites are included. However, personal experience brings an enhanced understanding of an area, and I hope readers will appreciate the personal touch in each chapter along with practical information about finding birds. Each chapter has an overview, a birding guide to both the birds and how best to see them, and directions on getting to the sites.


Before you set out, consider creating an account for free at eBird.org, a worldwide public database for registering bird sightings, to find out where your target birds have been seen most recently.


Anyone who gets enjoyment from birds cares about them in some way, so it seems reasonable that we should take steps to ensure that our activities have a minimal impact on their habitats. The American Birding Association has a Code of Birding Ethics (http://listing.aba.org/ethics) that is quite suitable for birding pursuits around the world. Much of it is common sense, but I think it’s important to emphasize the following:

1(b) To avoid stressing birds or exposing them to danger, exercise restraint and caution during observation, photography, sound recording, or filming.

Limit the use of recordings and other methods of attracting birds, and never use such methods in heavily birded areas, or for attracting any species that is Threatened, Endangered, or of Special Concern, or is rare in your local area;

Keep well back from nests and nesting colonies, roosts, display areas, and important feeding sites. In such sensitive areas, if there is a need for extended observation, photography, filming, or recording, try to use a blind or hide, and take advantage of natural cover.

Use artificial light sparingly for filming or photography, especially for close-ups.

And with that, let me wish you happy birding.

The Tufted Puffin is surely one of the most striking birds in Canada, and yet few birders ever see them due to their preference for foraging offshore and nesting on remote islands like Triangle. LIAM SINGH

Best Places to Bird in British Columbia

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