Читать книгу How To Become A Business Angel - Richard Hargreaves - Страница 4



Angel investment has become the UK’s most important source of equity capital for companies seeking up to as much as £2m. That alone makes it a very topical subject.

Nowadays, it is frequently mentioned in the media and its importance to the economy has become apparent to government. In recognition of this, increasingly attractive tax breaks have been made available and government-supported funds, which match angel investment, have been launched.

This book covers all aspects of investing in unquoted companies as a private individual, or business angel, as such investors are often called.

It offers practical guidance, both to those who wish to make angel investments for the first time and to those have invested before but who would like to develop a more systematic approach than they have used previously. If you are looking to build a portfolio of investments in unquoted companies, wish to learn more about the technical side of investment – such as share capital structures and investors’ legal rights, or have capital to invest in entrepreneurial ventures and wish to do this in the most effective way, then this book is for you. It aims to help you find investments, how to assess them, how to structure them, how to manage them and finally – and very importantly – how to exit from them.

If the book encourages some of its readers to become involved – or more deeply involved – with this fascinating activity and, at the same time, helps them avoid a few of the many pitfalls and thus improve their chances of success it will have served its purpose.

How To Become A Business Angel

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