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LinkedIn is Facebook for professionals. It had 160m members by autumn 2012. Anybody can join free and put their profile on the site and you can search through other member’s profiles in many ways. Members can then build a network and communicate with that network, but the general rule is that a new member of your network has to accept a connection to you before you can send them emails.

I know people who use LinkedIn to run or benefit their business – recruiting is a good example. If you pay for the service you get more freedom of usage. You can then advertise and reach others with whom you are not already connected.

You can also join ‘Groups’ and communicate within that group. There are three LinkedIn Groups which seem to me to be of particular relevance to angel investors, namely:

1 Angel Investor Group

2 Venture Capital Group

3 Venture Capital Café

In reality I found all three groups rather US-centric and full of naïve and unattractive sounding fundraising opportunities. However, you should try Groups such as these for yourself as you may find a better way to use this network than I have done.

How To Become A Business Angel

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