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This book came into being as a result of a talk I was invited to give to the Hobart Theosophical Society several years ago. It was entitled ‘How Synchronistic Events and Dreams Can Shape One’s Biography’. (Noting that I am not a theosophist). A few of the people present encouraged me to put [my speech notes] into writing. Others who later read the manuscript complained that I had only written about so little in my life and were craving much more detail.

This volume is not a conventional autobiography but just small glimpses of events that helped me lay a solid philosophical basis to my life and learn to ‘see’ clearly with compassion and understanding.

No matter how much one learns via intellect or experience, even thinking “oh I have gotten it all worked out”, life will come along with a new plan. The rug will appear to be pulled from under one, testing our resolve to keep going despite life’s vicissitudes. Truly a never-ending journey.

A friend told me when I was in my teens when I said to him I thought I would never achieve any sort of spiritual harmony in my life, “don’t fight so called bad thoughts or perceived negative urges. Just by reading the works of advanced spiritual beings, learn how they also struggled to transform their lives”. You will connect with their energy of life and they will enhance and guide you.

Don’t regard anything as tainted or even ‘dirty’ in the conventional sense. Everything manifested in this realm is life working out its karmic symphony.

It will appear to us a horrible or even sub-human but in the grand plan all life, choices and events are part of the grand harmony of the cosmos.

All one can do is forgive those who trespass and most of all forgive one’s self. The past cannot be changed. The future is created by the very ‘now’ of each and every minute of our days. This also seems to be the message of many illuminated souls.

So many times people who have experienced near death experiences say “I was enveloped with love; love beyond anything I can ever remember.

So I feel it is up to us to create our own destiny, observing these messages of guidance, given to us so freely by the Universe. It is our own freewill that allows us to expand our world of harmony and amazing experiences and friendship or build our own jail. Running away from events and problems (thinking we can start anew and they will disappear) they don’t. They confront us in another form until we consciously face them with forgiveness and love.

Several friends over my lifetime have passed over by taking their own lives, thinking all will be resolved. In one sense it is, but until the wound has been cleaned and healed on this plane, these demons will confront us once more. To sum up; I have become (as a result of observing and listening to events) a contented and happy person. Every day I express gratitude for life, for the vicissitudes and obstacles I have experienced.

Every event has a message for us at some level. There is a lesson to be learned out of adversity that a charmed life could never achieve. The greatest music was born out of perseverance and suffering. Very little of lasting value ever emerged from a government grant or a committee. We chose to be who we are; no-one tells us to be an artist or a plumber, for example. All occupations which people toil with on this plane are their choice.

I believe one has to persevere; make mistakes and at the end of the day say to ourselves “is this what I wish to do with my life?” If it is then we will no doubt change not only our lives but also all who we come into contact with.

A wonderful journey indeed.

Synchronicity and Dreaming

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