Читать книгу Employer Branding For Dummies - Richard Mosley - Страница 4

Part 1
Getting Started with Employer Branding
Chapter 1
Building a Strong Employer Brand



❯❯ Wrapping your brain around the concept of employer branding

❯❯ Planning and executing your employer brand strategy

❯❯ Exploring and assessing various marketing channels

❯❯ Delivering a distinctively great employment experience

❯❯ Gauging and improving on your employer branding success

Employers used to assume they were in the driver’s seat. Advertised vacancies would attract a plentiful selection of candidates. Employers would select the best, and the best would gratefully accept their offers of employment. Times have changed. Established companies can no longer assume that the right kind of talent will beat a path to their door. The new economy requires significantly more people qualified in science, technology, engineering, and math than our education systems are producing. The most innovative and entrepreneurial are increasingly choosing to join or found startup businesses rather than join established companies. And the declining birthrate in many countries means fewer young people are replenishing the workforce as baby boomers retire. Given these trends, it’s no surprise that competition for talent is now more intense than it has ever been.

Although times have changed, many companies haven’t. They continue to recruit the same way they did 20 years ago – posting openings and screening out unqualified candidates. Although this process of elimination has worked reasonably well in the past, more progressive companies are realizing there are more efficient and effective ways to attract and retain talent. They’ve begun to harness the power of employer branding, applying the same kind of rigor and creativity that companies have long applied to winning and keeping customers.

Throughout this book, we provide detailed guidance on how to begin to build the kind of workplace and employer brand that attracts, engages, and retains the world’s top talent. In this chapter, we deliver the big-picture view, so you have a conceptual framework of employer branding and an overall understanding of what it involves.

Employer Branding For Dummies

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