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TIMELINES How You Mentally Code Time


Timelines refer to your own ability to code time. We think about time in certain ways. The images of the past will be in a different place than the images of the future. If you think about events in the past and imagine events in the future and notice where they are located in your mental space, you can draw an imaginary line from the past to the future and that will be your timeline.

For example, think about you brushing your teeth five years ago. Notice where you represent the image. Next, think about brushing your teeth one year ago. Notice the location. Think about brushing your teeth today. Again, notice where the image is. Think about brushing your teeth in one year and then again in five years. When you notice where each image is you can create an imaginary line linking all the images. This is your timeline and it shows you how you think about time spatially.

Generally, there are two main types of timelines. One is where time is spread out with the future in front of you and the past behind you and the present inside of you. This is referred to as ‘in time.’ The other is when the past is to the front of you located on your left, the present is straight in front of you, and the future is in front of you to your right. This is known as ‘through time.’

The differences between locating your timeline in these two ways are that there is usually a difference about how you approach time. For example, people who code time ‘in time’ generally don’t remember the past very much or very often – they put the past ‘behind them.’ People who tend to code time ‘through time’ on the other hand, can usually remember incidents easily and tend to be pretty punctual.

Discover Your Timeline

1 Think of a time where you brushed your teeth five years ago and point to where you represent it.

2 Think of a time where you brushed your teeth one year ago and point to where you represent it.

3 Think of the present moment of you brushing your teeth right now and point to where you represent it.

4 Think of a time where you will brush your teeth one year in the future and point to where you represent it.

5 Think of a time where you will brush your teeth five years in the future and point to where you represent it.

6 Draw an imaginary line from five years ago through one year ago, the present, one year in the future to five years in the future. This is your timeline.

7 Extend the timeline further out into the future and past.

The key is in learning how you can begin to change the way you think and feel about your past, present, and future. Becoming aware, as you are now, about how you represent time makes it easier for you to change how you feel about it. Thus, your inventory is complete.

This book will focus on teaching you how to make unconscious changes by using your own brain and learning to think differently. You will be able to do this by becoming aware of how to use submodalities to make changes and learning how to create new feelings and attach them to new thoughts. You will also discover how to believe in yourself and a better future and you will find yourself able to change how you think about your life and all the moments of it. This inventory has introduced you to the tools and skills you will be using. Now it’s time to get over your problems.

Get the Life You Want

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