Читать книгу Richard Bandler's Guide to Trance-formation: Make Your Life Great - Richard Bandler - Страница 17



Forewarned is forewarned…and the more warned you are about where you’re not going…you need to have signs in your mind that say, Stop, go back, you’re going the wrong way. In the United States, they put those on freeway on-ramps so you don’t go on the wrong one and end up going against traffic. I install them in people’s minds. I say: You need a sign in your head that says, Go back, you’re going the wrong way!

Now, stop, go back, and remember that idea you just thought about, only just get to the sign at the entrance. Bad idea. Go back. You’re going the wrong way…now. And then see the signs of where you should go. Pleasure ahead. Happiness coming. Choices ahead. Past behind. Leave it behind, now, so when you go ahead of time—because it’s not enough to be in the now—you need to be ahead of the now, because the future is coming, the past is behind, so never, yeah, never do never again. Never forget what you shouldn’t remember. And always remember what you shouldn’t forget…now. And then you’ll do it correctly. Because, once again (I love that “once again”), you’ll find tomorrow is much better.

Yes to day (I love that one, too. That’s full of logical ambiguity, “yes to day”). And when it comes to hope, yes to day has no bearing. Now…

Notice how densely the language patterns are stacked. When you have temporal predicates and presuppositions, and when you stack presuppositions—at least three at a time—it becomes extremely difficult for the listener to track consciously, so it produces a very strong effect on the listener’s unconscious.

Another pattern I’m particularly fond of is “the more, the more” pattern. I use that one all the time, especially with negations stacked one on top of the other. “The more you try to stop yourself from preventing what you know that you don’t understand, the more you will, because, as you try to continue to not do something you won’t be able to not see what’s going on.”

The purpose is to overload the unconscious, and once that happens, the doors open up and you can flood in the suggestions.

I often say that I’m not a hypnotist so much as a “hypno-ranter.” Where most people are providing gentle, nondirective suggestions, I’m slamming things in from every side, and every way that I can.

Speaking to the unconscious processes inside somebody with semantic density is an art form. It’s almost like being able to write good poetry, but it doesn’t come from nowhere. It’s not an innate talent. It’s something you develop, and the way you develop it is through practice.

I recommend that you spend two days on one kind of syntactic environment and the next two days on another. You can refer to Resource Files 4 and 5 (pages 311 and 316) for further explanation and inspiration, but to be able to generate language patterns without needing to think about them, you should write down pages and pages of each pattern. Reconfigure your brain so that it all becomes familiar and easy.

If you don’t have a lot of examples of what makes things different, it’s very hard to make yourself familiar with it. Hypnotic language patterns, hypnotic states—these are the building blocks. If you didn’t know all the letters of the alphabet it would be very hard for you to write anything.

People often consider me to be a very complicated person. It’s true that I know a lot of really complicated things, but when I work with human beings, there’s nothing complicated about it at all. I have broken things down for years and learned how they work, and then I’ve practiced putting them into effect. I studied language patterns so that I can automatically and unconsciously generate them in many sophisticated forms. I don’t need to think about them anymore. I just do it, while keeping my eye on where I want to be.

These are the things that set people free.

Exercise 1: The Meta Model

1 Refer to Resource File 4. Begin to practice noticing Meta Model patterns, spending two days on each. Pay special attention to the language you hear, noting the violations that occur. Television interviews with politicians are a rich source of Meta Model violations.

2 As you become more familiar with each pattern, jot down some of the challenges you would use in a real-time situation.

Exercise 2: The Meta Model

1 Working with a partner, discuss a real or imaginary problem. The listener notes Meta Model violations and challenges them, always seeking to recover information that has been deleted, distorted, or generalized.

2 Change places and repeat.

Exercise 1: The Milton Model

1 Review the examples given in Resource File 5, then create at least twenty of your own.

Exercise 2: The Milton Model

1 Decide on an outcome you would like for a client. Choose three to five Milton Model patterns, and create a conversational induction by linking the patterns with conjunctions or temporal connections. Repeat the pattern three times, so that each induction comprises between nine and fifteen examples of hypnotic language.

Richard Bandler's Guide to Trance-formation: Make Your Life Great

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