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1757 (28 November) Blake born at 28 Broad Street, Soho, London
1766 Sees angels on Peckham Rye
1782 Marries Catherine Boucher in Battersea
1784 Death of father, opens his own printshop
1787 Death of beloved brother Robert, aged 19
1789 Fall of the Bastille in Paris. Engraves Songs of Innocence
1790 Writing The Marriage of Heaven and Hell Moves to Hercules Buildings, Lambeth
1793 Engraves Visions of the Daughters of Albion
1794 Songs of Innocence and of Experience
1800 Moves to cottage in Felpham, Sussex
1803 Returns to London, to 17 South Molton Street
1804 Tried for sedition and treason at Chichester Begins to write and engrave Jerusalem
1807 Quarrels with Cromek
1809 His Exhibition and Descriptive Catalogue, criticized as ‘insane’ Beginning of Blake’s lost decade
1810 Engraves Milton, with the hymn ‘Jerusalem’ in Preface
1811 Article by Crabb Robinson, ‘William Blake, Painter, Poet and Religious Dreamer’ published in Germany
1817 Aged sixty
1818 Befriended by the young painter John Linnell
1820 Finishes Jerusalem, his last Prophetic Book, and illustrates Virgil’s Pastorals
1821 Moves to 3 Fountain Court, Strand
1824 Adopted by his young disciples, ‘the Ancients’ (including Samuel Palmer, George Richmond, Frederick Tatham)
1825 Interviewed by Crabb Robinson, and visited by Coleridge
1826 Illustrates the Book of Job and Pilgrim’s Progress
1827 Starts to illustrate Dante’s Divina Comedia Blake dies on 12 August
1828 Alexander Gilchrist born at Newington Green, London Anne Burrows born in Gower Street, London
1830 Alan Cunningham’s Lives of the British Painters
1847 D.G. Rossetti buys Blake’s manuscript notebook
1851 Alexander Gilchrist and Anne Burrows married
1855 Alexander Gilchrist’s Life of William Etty RA The Gilchrists meet Thomas and Jane Carlyle The Gilchrists meet Samuel Palmer
1856 The Gilchrists move to No. 6 Cheyne Row, Chelsea
1859 Anne Gilchrist, ‘Our Nearest Relation’, in All the Year Round
1861 (March) The Gilchrists meet the Rossettis (November) Death of Alexander Gilchrist
1862 Anne Gilchrist moves to Shottermill, near Haslemere, Surrey
1863 (October) Publication of Alexander Gilchrist’s Life of Blake
1871 Anne Gilchrist and family leave for America
1880 Publication of the second edition of Life of Blake
1881 (July) Death of Beatrice Gilchrist
1883 Publication of Anne Gilchrist’s Life of Mary Lamb
1885 (November) Death of Anne Gilchrist
Gilchrist on Blake: The Life of William Blake by Alexander Gilchrist

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