Читать книгу While America Slept - Robert C. O'Brien - Страница 15


Welcome to the UNGA

My thirteen-year-old son, who is far more interested in sports than politics, walked into the family room yesterday and said: “Dad, I saw on the news that the thing is starting when all the dictators come to America and give speeches about how bad we are.” His statement is one of the better descriptions of the United Nations General Assembly that I have ever heard.

For those who do not regularly follow the opening of the UN, here are some things you can expect to see this week.

Iranian President Mohammad Ahmadinejad will claim that there are no human rights abuses in Iran (stoning is merely an ancient method of execution that the United States is exaggerating to create propaganda against Iran), that the American hikers are spies, that Iran is developing nuclear power for peaceful purposes, and that he is definitely not anti-Semitic, all of which he told Christiane Amanpour on her Sunday program.

While America Slept

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