Читать книгу While America Slept - Robert C. O'Brien - Страница 6






SECTION 1 – America 2016: A Nation in Retreat

What Would Winston Churchill Do?

Obama’s Folly: The Iran Deal Disaster

Ukraine Votes for a Future in Europe

Obama’s Falklands Failure

Welcome to the UNGA

SECTION 2 – A Hollow Force?

End Sequestration Now: National Defense Panel Is Right (And So Was Romney)

The Dangers of Defense Sequestration

We Need a Militarily Strong, Morally Confident America: It’s Time for Smart Power

SECTION 3 – To Rule the Waves

The Navy’s Hidden Crisis: It’s Too Small—and Getting Smaller

Obama Failed to Mention Loss of Aircraft Carrier from Navy Fleet

The Korean Crisis Demonstrates the Need for a Strong United States Navy

Is This the End of the Royal Navy?

SECTION 4 – China: Red Storm Rising

Ensuring China’s Peaceful Rise

China’s Two-Pronged Maritime Rise

China’s Africa Play

The United States and China Vie for Influence in the Horn of Africa

China’s Next Move: A Naval Base in the South Atlantic?

Africa Scenes

SECTION 5 – Losing the War on Terror

Don’t Give Guantánamo to Castro

Observer Dispatches from Guantánamo

Obama White House Falsely Blames Ambassador Patterson for Morsi Mess

Is the Benghazi Attack Obama’s Madrid Train Bombings?

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly in Afghanistan: Why Justice Sector Reform Matters

Liberty and the Rule of Law are Universal Values

SECTION 6 – The Leaders We Require in 2016

Sorry, Democrats: The GOP Has a Bright Future

Can Rubio and Cruz Capture the GOP Establishment?

Third Time’s the Charm




About the Author

While America Slept

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