Читать книгу Ingersollia - Robert Green Ingersoll - Страница 3


322. The Greatest of all Political Writers

323. The Writings of Paine

324. The Last Words of Paine.

325. Paine Believed in God

326. The Intellectual Hera

327. Paine, Franklin, Jefferson

328. David Hume

329. Voltaire

330. John Calvin

331. Calvin's Five Fetters

332. Humboldt

333. Humbolt's Travels

334. Humboldt's Illustrious Companions

335. Humboldt the Apostle of Science

336. Ingersoll Muses by Napoleon's Tomb

337. Eulogy on J. G. Blaine

338. A Model Leader

339. Abraham Lincoln

340. Swedenborg

341. Jeremy Bentham

342. Charles Fourier

343. Auguste Comte

344. Herbert Spencer

345. Robert Collyer

346. John Milton

347. Ernst Haeckel

348. Professor Swing, a Dove amongst Vultures

349. Queen Victoria and George Eliot

350. Bough on Rabbi Bien

351. General Garfield

352. "Wealthy in Integrity; In Brain a Millionaire."

353. Garfield a Certificate of the Splendor of the American Constitution

354. Dr. W. Hiram Thomas


355. Heresy and Orthodoxy

356. The Aristocracy that will Survive.

357. Truth will Bear the Test

358. Paring Nails

359. There may be a God

360. The People are Beginning to Think

361. Unchained Thought

362. Man the Victor of the Future

363. The Sacred Sabbath

364. Make the Sabbath Merry

365. Away to the Hills and the Sea

366. Melancholy Sundays

367. Moses took Egyptian Law for his Model

368. A False Standard of Success

369. Toilers and Idlers

370. The Sad Wilderness History

371. Law Much Older than Sinai

372. Who is the Blasphemer?

373. Standing Tip for God

374. Matter and Force

375. Haeckel before Moses!

376. How was it Done?

377. General Joshua

378. Early Rising is Barbaric!

379. Sleep is Medicine!

380. Never Rise at Four O'Clock

381. The Hermit is Mad

382. Duke Orang-Outang

383. Self-Made Men

384. The One Window in the Ark

385. No Ante-Diluvian Camp-Meetings!

386. Hard Work in the Ark

387. What did Moses know about the Sun?

388. Something for Nothing

389. Polygamy

390. The Colonel in the Kitchen—How to Cook a Beefsteak

391. Fresh Air

392. Cooking a Fine Art

393. Scathing Impeachment of Intemperance

394. Liberty Defined

395. Free, Honest Thought

396. Ingersoll Prefers Shoemakers to Princes

397. Sham Dignity

398. A Good Time Coming!

399. Who is the True Nobleman?

400. Wanted!—More Manliness

401. Education of Nature

402. The Worker Wearing the Purple

403. Flowers

404. Be Happy—Here and Now!

405. The School House a Fort

406. We are Getting Free

407. The Solid Rock


408. The Gospel of Cheerfulness

409. The Gospel of Liberty

410. The Gospel of 'Good Living

411. The Gospel of Intelligence

412. The Gospel of Justice


413. The Origin of the Controversy

414. What is Christianity?

415. Summary of Evangelical Belief

416. A Profound Change in the World of Thought

417. The Believer in the Inspiration of the Bible has too Much to Believe

418. A Frank Admission

419. The Bible Should be Better than any other Book

420. A Serious Charge

421. If the Bible is Not Verbally Inspired, What Then?

422. A Hindu Example

423. A Test Fairly Applied

424. Suppose!

425. Proofs of Civilization

426. A Persian Gospel

427. Man the Author of all Books

428. God and Brahma

429. Matthew, Mark, and Luke

430. Christianity Takes no Step in Advance

431. Christianity a Mixture of Good and Evil

432. Jehovah, Epictetus and Cicero

433. The Atonement

434. Sin as a Debt

435. The Logic of the Coffin

436. Judas Iscariot

437. The Standard of Right

438. What is Conscience?

439. No Right to Think!

440. The Liberty of the Bible

441. Slavery in Heaven

442. Jehovah Breaking His Own Laws

443. Who Designed the Designer?

444. What we Know of the Infinite

445. The Universe Self-Existent

446. Jehovah's Promise Broken

447. Character Bather than Creed

448. Mohammed the Prophet of God

449. Wanted!—A Little More Legislation

450. Is all that Succeeds Inspired?

451. The Morality in Christianity

452. Miracle Mongers

453. The Honor Due to Christ

454. Christianity has no Monopoly in Morals

455. Old Age in Superstition's Lap

456. Ararat in Chicago

457. How Gods and Devils are Made

458. The Romance of Figures

459. God and Zeno

460. Why was Christ so Silent?

461. The Philosophy of Action

462. Infinite Punishment for Finite Crimes.

463. Whence Came the Gospels?

464. Mr. Black's Admission

465. The Stars Upon the Door of France


466. The Select Committee Afraid

467. The Gods of the Joss-House and Patmos

468. A Little Too Late

469. Christianity has a Fair Show in San Francisco

470. An Arrow from the Quiver of Satire

471. We Have no Religious System

472. Congress Nothing to Do with Religion

473. Concessions of the Illustrious Four!

474. Do not Trample on John Chinaman

475. Be Honest with the Chinese

476. An Honest Merchant the Best Missionary

477. Good Words from Confucius

478. The Ancient Chinese

479. The Chinese and Civil Service Reform

480. Invading China in the Name of Opium and Christ

481. Don't be Dishonest in the Name of God


482. Diversity of Opinion Abolished by Henry VIII

483. Spencer and Darwin Damned

484. The Dead do Not Persecute

485. The Atheist a Legal Outcast in Illinois

486. How the Owls Hoot

487. The Fate of Theological Students

488. Trials for Heresy

489. Presbyterianism Softening

490. The Methodist "Hoist with his own Petard."

491. The Precious Doctrine of Total Depravity

492. Guilty of Heresy

493. Dishonest Teachers.

494. Self-Reliance a Deadly Sin!

495. A Hundred and Fifty Years Ago

496. The Despotism of Faith

497. Believe, or Beware

498. Calvin's Petrified Heart

499. Logic Unconfined.

500. Politeness at Athens!

501. The Tail of a Lion

502. While the Preachers Talked the People Slept

503. Christianity no Friend to Progress

504. Where is the New Eden?

505. The Real Eden is Beyond

506. Party Names Belittle Men


507. Where Did the Serpent Come From?

508. Must We Believe Fables to be Good and True? Must we, in order to be

509. Why Did Not God Kill the Serpent?

510. Questions About the Ark

511. Was Language Confounded at Babel.

512. Would God Kill a Man for Making Ointment?

513. How Did Water run up Hill?

514. Would a Real God Uphold Slavery?

515. Will There Be an Eternal Auto da Fe?

516. Why Hate an Atheist?








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