Читать книгу Gold, Sport, and Coffee Planting in Mysore - Robert H. Elliot - Страница 4

Myself and the route to Mysore in 1855. 1
The pioneer planters of Southern Mysore. 4
The life of a planter by no means a dull one. 5
Effects of English capital on the progress of the people and the finances of the State. 6
The value, in times of famine, of European settlers. 9
A deferred native message of thanks to the English public. 10
The causes that have led to an increase of famine and scarcities. 11
Measures to promote the digging of wells by the people. 12
A line of railway from Mysore to the western coast sanctioned. 13
Wanted, land tenures which will promote well digging and other irrigation works. 14
The late Dewan's opinions in favour of a fixed land tax. 16
Evidences of irrigation works made by occupiers being promoted by a fixed land tax. 17
Famine question of great importance to settlers in India. 17
The number of European and native coffee plantations in Mysore. 18
Probable annual value of coffee produced in Mysore. Manufactures in India. 19
Manufactures in Mysore. 20
Endeavours by the Dewan to develop the iron wealth of the province. 20
"The Mysore and Coorg Directory." Value of the Dewan's annual addresses in the Representative Assembly. 21
The Dewan's efforts to promote improvements of all kinds. 21
European settlers favourably received by officials of all classes. 21
Hints as to representing any matter to a Government official. 22
Native officials are polite and obliging. 23
General description of the Mysore country. 24
The climate. A healthy one for Europeans. 26
The beautiful scenery of the western borderlands. 27
The falls of Gairsoppa. 29
Height of the falls; difficulty of getting at them; the Lushington, Lalgali, and Majod Falls might be visited-when on the way to Gairsoppa Falls. 30
The best time for visiting the falls. 31
Description of the falls. 32
Startling sounds to be heard at the falls. 33
To the bottom of the gorge below the falls. 34
Wonderful combinations of sights and sounds. 35
The scene on the pool above the falls. 38
The beautiful moonlight effects. 39
A flying squirrel; a tiger bounding across the road. 40
The Cauvery Falls and the route to them. 40
General description of the falls. 42
The Gangana Chuckee Falls. 43
The Bar Chuckee Falls. 44
The Gairsoppa and Cauvery Falls contrasted. 46
Interesting bridges built by native engineers. 47
Leisure, solitude, and repose necessary to enjoy scenery. 48
The early history of Mysore. 49
The Hindoo and Mahometan lines. 50
The Hindoo line restored by us in 1799. 50
The insurrection of 1830. 50
The Maharajah deposed and the country in 1831 administered by the British. 51
The State restored to native administration in 1881. 51
The people at first generally disliked the change; causes of this. 52
Value of an admixture of Europeans in the Mysore service. 53
The alleged breach of good faith as regards conferring appointments on natives in British territory. 54
The constitution of Mysore; terms on which it was transferred not to native rule but to native administration. 55
Mysore as practically under British rule as any part of British India. 56
After deducting sum allotted for Maharajah's personal expenditure, the remaining revenues to be spent on public purposes only. 57
The advantages possessed by settlers in Mysore. 57
The Mysore Representative Assembly. 57
The notification by which the Assembly was established, and the system of nominating members. 58
Contrast between it and the Egyptian General Assembly of the Legislative Council. 59
First meeting of the Assembly, Oct. 7th, 1881. 59
Rules of 1890 announcing a system of electing members in future. 60
My election in 1891 as a member of the Assembly. 61
Am appointed chairman of preliminary meetings. 62
Measures agreed to at the preliminary meetings. 62
Rules to regulate discussions in preliminary meetings. 63
Organization desired to be established; funds for working the proposed organization. 64
The lady students of the Maharanee's College. 65
The Assembly formally opened; the Dewan's address. 65
Gold mines, railways, roads; interference of Madras Government with proposed Mysore Irrigation Works. 66
Measure to promote digging of wells. 68
Value of the Assembly as a means of communicating intelligence amongst the people. 69
Forests. Elephants. Female education. 69
The Archæological Survey. The Census. The municipal elections. 70
Reform of religious and charitable institutions. An irregular meeting of members. 71
A marriage law proposed. Great excitement caused thereby. Proposal adjourned. 71
Proposal to store grain against times of famine. 72
Revenue should be remitted in full when there is no crop. 72
My speech in the Assembly as chairman of preliminary meetings. 72
Members called up in order to represent grievances and wants. The marriage question again. 73
Influence of public opinion as regards age for consummation of marriages. 74
Opinion of two native gentlemen as regards my speech. 74
An important concession gained by the representatives. 75
The admirable working of the Mysore Government. General appreciation of the Dewan's administration. 76
Representatives have no power and do not want any. Causes of the absence of any demand for parliamentary institutions such as those in England. 77
Absence of general interest in the Assembly. Causes of this. 79
Great value of Assembly in bringing rulers and ruled together. Such Assembly more necessary now than formerly. Causes of this. 80
The Indian Congress. Causes of the creation of. 81
Started in 1885 by a small number of the educated classes. 82
Seditious pamphlets circulated by the Congress. 82
Copies bought for the Athenæum Club. 82
Mr. Dadabhai Naoroji, M.P. one of the sellers of the pamphlets. 82
Proceedings of the Congress legitimate till it fell under guidance of Mr. Hume. Excuses for Mr. Dadabhai Naoroji. 83
The composition of the first and second Congresses. 83
The third Congress. The members desire to make the laws and control the finances of India. 84
The Congress declares that as Indians in rural districts are not qualified to elect members, these should be elected by an electoral college composed of the flower of the educated classes. 85
As the desired powers are not likely to be obtained in India, the people of England must be made to believe that India is being misgoverned. 85
The Congress' schemes for bringing about a revolution in India. Native volunteers to be enrolled to bring pressure to bear on the Government. The Repeal of the Arms Act demanded. 86
The seditious pamphlets issued by the Congress. 87
The sums of money collected with the aid of the pamphlets. 88
Opinions of Congress that natives are wanting in the qualities necessary for governing India. 88
The advantages and pleasures of big game shooting. 90
Comparative risks from tigers, bears, and panthers. 92
Boars and other wild animals more dangerous now than formerly. Advantages of this for sportsmen. 93
The natural history of Mysore. 94
Elephants. Tigers much more numerous in former times in Mysore. 96
In a short time 118 caught in traps. Remarkable cessation of such captures. The balance of nature destroyed. 97
The spread of intelligence amongst wild animals. Tiger passes. Difference of opinion as to how tigers seize their prey. 98
The use of the paw in killing animals and people. 99
The carrying powers of tigers and panthers. 100
Reasons for not sitting on the ground when tiger shooting. 101
Illustration of risk of sitting on the ground. 102
Caution should be exercised when approaching a tiger supposed to be dead. 103
Another illustration of the risk of sitting on the ground. 105
Illustration of the importance of sitting motionless when obliged to sit on the ground. 106
An exciting rush after a wounded tiger. 107
Coolness and courage exhibited by a native. 108
Estimate of danger of tiger shooting on foot. Should not be pursued by those whoso lives are of cash value to their families. 109
People killed by wounded tigers. Difficulty of seeing a tiger in the jungle. 110
Distinguishing sight of natives superior to that of Europeans. 111
Tigers easily recover from wounds. 112
Effects on the nerves and heart from the roar of a wounded tiger. 113
Precautions that should be exercised by sportsmen with damaged hearts. 115
The lame tiger. Met in the road at night. 116
Tying out live baits for tigers. 117
Interesting instance of tiger stalking up to a live bait. 118
Another illustration of risk of approaching a tiger apparently dead. 120
Importance of using a chain when tying out a bait. Sport spoiled from a chain not being used. 121
Tigers eat tigers sometimes. Illustration of this. 123
The tiger's power of ascending trees. 125
Interesting instance of a jackal warning tigers of danger. 126
Tiger put to flight by the rearing of a horse. 127
Effect on a tiger of the human voice. Tigers often undecided how to act. 128
Tigers form plans and act in concert. Illustration of this. 129
Tigers of Western Ghaut forests, if unmolested, rarely dangerous to man. 130
Very dangerous man-eating tigers have existed in the interior of Mysore. Man-eaters enter villages. A tiger tearing off the thatch of a hut. 131
Great courage and determination shown by natives in connection with tigers. Illustrations of this. 132
The life of a planter saved by a dog attacking the tiger. 134
Interesting behaviour of the dog after Mr. A. was wounded. 135
Treatment of wounds from tigers. A native recovers from thirteen lacerated wounds and two on the head. 136
A mad tiger. Position of body that should be adopted when waiting for a tiger. Importance of this. 137
Tiger purring with evident satisfaction after having killed a man. 138
Bear has two cubs at a time. Bears rapidly decreasing. Said by natives to be killed and eaten by tigers. Instances of tigers killing bears. 140
Bears dreaded by natives more than any animal in the jungle. Probable cause of their often attacking people. Illustration of this. 141
Attacked by an unwounded and unprovoked bear. 142
If suddenly attacked by an animal at close quarters rush towards it. 143
Wanton attacks made by bears on people. Approaching caves and getting bears out of them. 144
Great value of stink balls. 146
How not to attempt to get a bear out of a cave. Am caught by a hill fire. 147
Amusing incident at a bear's cave. A man wounded. 149
Value of having a good dog when out bear shooting. Am knocked down by a bear. 151
Panthers. Should be hunted with dogs. 152
Panther probably feigning death. A man killed. 153
The wild boar the most daring animal in the jungles. Illustration in point. 154
The great power of the wild boar. My manager charged by one. 156
Boars make shelters for themselves in the rains. The flesh of the boar not a safe food. 157
Jungle dogs. Said by natives to kill tigers. 158
The use, said by the natives to be made by the dogs, of their acrid urine. 159
A cross between the jungle and the domestic dog. 160
Curious incident connected with jungle dogs. 161
Great increase of jungle dogs. A reward should be offered for their destruction. 161
Many reported deaths from snake bites probably poisoning cases. Reasons in support of this view. From 1855 to 1893 only one death from snake bite in my neighbourhood. 162
The cobra not an aggressive snake. Unless hurt or provoked will probably never bite. Illustrations in support of this view. 163
Snakes keep a good look out. Tigers and snakes run away. 165
Many snakes are harmless, and some useful. 166
Wild animals probably require to be taught by their parents to dread man. 166
A tame stag. A tame flying squirrel. 167
A tame hornbill. 168
Probable cause of pets not caring to rejoin their wild congeners. 169
Some remarks on guns. The Paradox. 170
Unless molested the bison never attacks man. 171
An attempt to photograph a solitary bull. 173
Description of the bison. 174
Height of bull bison. Account of an interesting friendship between a tame sambur deer and a bull bison. 175
Bison are often attacked by tigers. 177
Interesting instance of a tiger stalking up to a solitary bull. 178
The tiger and bull knocked over right and left. 180
Precautions that should be taken when following up a wounded bull. 181
A tracker killed by a bull. Following a wounded bull. 182
Stalking up to a herd. The value of peppermint lozenges. 183
How a wounded bull may be lost. 185
The value of a dog when following up a wounded bull. 186
Wonderful bounding power of the bison. A narrow escape from a charging bull. 187
Special Act required for preservation of cow bison. 188
The earliest tradition as regards gold in Mysore. 190
Explanation of gold being found on the ears of corn. Lieutenant Warren's investigations in 1800. 191
Native methods of procuring gold by washing and mining. 192
Depths to which old native pits were sunk. 193
Probable cause of the cessation of mining at considerable depths. 194
In 1873 leave first given to a European to mine for gold. Remarkable absence in Mysore of old records or inscriptions relating to gold mining. 195
Mr. Lavelle in 1873 applied for right to mine in Kolar. 196
Of the mines subsequently started all practically closed in 1882, except the Mysore mine, which began to get gold in end of 1884. 197
Had the Mysore Company not persevered the Kolar field would probably have been closed. Depths to which mines have been sunk. The Champion Lode. 198
General description of the Kolar field. Notes by a lady resident. 199
Life on the field. Gardening. Visitors from England. 200
The volunteers at the mines. Sport near the field. 201
Servants and supplies. Elevation and the climate. A healthy one. 202
Mining and the extraction of gold. 203
The rates of wages. No advances given to labourers. 204
Expenditure by the companies in Mysore in wages. Consequential results therefrom on the prosperity of the people. 205
Measures which the State should take to encourage the opening of new mines. 206
Royalty on mines that are not paying should be reduced or abolished. Act required to check gold stealing. 207
Some summary process should be adopted to check gold thefts. 208
Want of water on the field. Measures proposed for conserving it. 209
The want of tree planting. Other auriferous tracts in Mysore. Mr. R. Bruce Foote's report. 210
Brief analysis of Mr. Bruce Foote's report on the various auriferous tracts. The central group of auriferous rocks. 211
The west-central group. 212
The western group. Expects that many other old abandoned workings will be discovered in the jungly tracts. 213
An inexhaustible supply of beautiful porphyry near Seringapatam and close to a railway. 214
Valuable to rural populations. 215
My inquiry limited to its rural and practical effects on life. 210
Its moral effects as regards the connection of the sexes. 217
Its value in limiting the use of alcohol. 219
Morality in Manjarabad superior to that of England. 220
Widows may contract a kind of marriage. The value of caste in socially segregating inferior from superior races. 221
The mental value of the separation caused by caste. 222
The separation caused by caste has not hindered advancement amongst the rural population. The Coorgs an instance of this. 223
Disadvantages of caste as regards town populations. 224
Instances of the evils of caste amongst the higher classes in the towns. 225
Inquiry as to how far caste has acted beneficially in opposing the existing interpretation of Christianity. 227
Worthlessness of pure dogmas when adopted by a degraded people. 228
Native Christians readily revert to devil worship in cases of danger or sickness. 229
Native Christians neither better nor worse than the low-classes from which they are usually drawn. Experience of the Abbé Dubois. 230
The upper class peasantry having to give up caste would be injured by being converted. 231
The town population would not be injured by conversion. 232
Causes of the outcry against caste. 233
Its alleged tendencies. 234
The way to retain the good and lessen the evil of caste. 235
To become a Christian our missionaries compel the entire abandonment of caste. Their version of Christianity wisely rejected. 230
Mischievous action of our missionaries as regards caste. Their erroneous views a bar to the progress of Christianity. 237
Bishop Heber's "Letter on Caste". 238
Bishop Wilson's fatal "Circular" requiring absolute abandonment of caste by Christians. 240
Secession of native Christians in consequence of the "Circular." Erroneous views contained in the Report of the Madras Commissioners. 242
Views of the Tanjore missionaries as regards caste. 243
Mr. Schwartz's opinions. 244
The Tanjore missionaries not unfavourable to the retention of caste by their converts. 245
Inquiry into the origin of caste. 240
No connection between caste and idolatry. They may and do exist apart. 247
Caste as it exists in Ceylon. 249
The way in which caste probably did originate. 250
The Jews a strictly guarded caste. 251
Caste difficulties as regards taking the Sacrament. 252
Its sanitary advantages. 254
Caste no bar to the exercise of hospitality and charity. 255
Advantages of caste in increasing hospitality and charity. 257
Caste has a levelling as well as a keeping down tendency. 260
Instances of people rising into a superior caste. 261
Rigidity of caste laws much exaggerated. They vary in different places. Occasional violations of caste law condoned. Remarkable instance of this. 263
Infringement of caste when out tiger shooting. 264
Instance of variation in caste law. Caste apt to be made the scapegoat of every Indian difficulty. 266
Mr. Pope's remarks on the effects of caste. 267
Mr. Raikes's remarks on the evil effects of caste. Thinks that it is the cause of infanticide. 268
Instance to show that infanticide can exist amongst people free from caste. Polyandrous habits not necessarily a cause of infanticide. 269
Summary of principal conclusions arrived at. 270
Curious customs of the Marasa Wokul tribe in Mysore. 273
The effect of caste on the transmission of acquired aptitudes. 274
Description and the history of Coorg. 275
Conquered and annexed by us in 1834. My first visit to Coorg in 1857. The pioneer planters. 276
Planting without shade caused the failure of many of the plantations. 277
After shade was introduced coffee flourished. 278
European and native plantations. Their number and the probable yield from them. Expenditure per acre. 279
The kinds of manure used. Experiments by an analytical chemist. 280
Proportions of manure varied according to the condition of the coffee. The time in which manure should be applied. Applications of burnt earth. 281
Widespread results arising from the expenditure on plantations in Coorg. 282
Rates of wages, and system of procuring labourers. Leaf disease and Borer. 283
Remedies experimented on as regards leaf disease and Borer. 284
Primary cause of the existence of so much Borer. The terms on which Government lands are sold for planting. 285
Reasons why certain of the reserved State forests should be given out for planting. 286
Cinchona and Ceara rubber planting tried and abandoned. Coffee seed introduced from Brazil, and other countries, without any apparent advantage. Liberian coffee tried experimentally. 287
The capital spent on labour and the consequential results of this on agriculture. My visit to Coorg in 1891. 288
The route from Mysore. The coffee works at Hunsur. Interesting adventure with a panther. 289
To Mr. Rose's estate near Polibetta. Description of Bamboo district. 290
Life in the Bamboo district. The club, church, and co-operative store. 291
Visits to plantations. Left for Mercara. 292
The Retreat. Mr. Meynell's house. Its kitchen arrangements, etc. 293
Mr. Mann's coffee garden at Mercara. The large profits from it. To the Hallery estate six miles from Mercara. 294
Visits to several estates. To the Coovercolley estate. Mr. Mangles's. 295
Left Coovercolley for Manjarabad in Mysore. 296
General observations on coffee planting in Coorg. Its flourishing condition. More attention should be paid to shade. 297
Defects as regards shade. More attention to it would lessen Borer. 298
Manures used on the best kept up estates. 299
The profits that may be expected from good, well-managed estates. The great want of a Game Preservation Act. 300
An agreeable life for an active intelligent man who must work somewhere. 302
Qualities necessary to make a successful planter. 303
The work not hard. The climate agreeable and healthy. The elevation of the coffee districts above sea level. 304
The changes that may be taken in the slack season by planters. The durability of well-shaded plantations. 305
Shaded plantations a very permanent property. The profits of coffee. Case of an estate bought with borrowed money. 306
Analysis of yield, expenses, and profits on a Manjarabad estate. 307
Probable profits on estates in the northern part of Mysore. 308
From want of information coffee plantations in Mysore not saleable at good prices. Failure of coffee in Ceylon. This gave coffee generally an undeservedly bad name. 309
Early notices of coffee in India. Its early history in Mysore. 310
Failure of the variety of coffee first introduced. 311
The successful introduction of the Coorg variety of coffee. 312
Mysore coffee fetches the highest price in the London market. Original Mysore coffee land tenures. 313
The new Coffee Land Rules introduced in 1885. 314
Gold, Sport, and Coffee Planting in Mysore

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