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My Sister’s account of her Spiritual Birth, or Translation to the Spirit World.


524. Dear brother: The language of mortals is inadequate to convey to your mind a tenth part of the joy that I experienced when liberated from the physical body. You remember well the hour when the summons came. You did not expect me to depart so soon. The mutual relationship which had existed between my body and spirit being dissolved, I found myself still a living, thinking, and intelligent being, and in a world of tangible and eternal realities.

525. When the last act in the drama of life was finished, and as soon as I had emerged from the pleasing reverie which succeeded the moment of dissolution, I found my room filled with bright visitants from the world of spirits, and my ears were delighted with the sweetest melodies. I now felt that the great secret was about to be disclosed, and I began to realize that I had indeed passed from death unto life.

526. Dazzled by the exceeding brilliancy of the light which emanated from the pure beings who surrounded me, I began to distrust my senses, and looked about to assure myself that I was not in a dream or trance. I was soon startled from my musing by a gentle pull at my garment, and on turning round to discover the cause, I instantly recognised my beloved father. Oh! imagine my feelings at that joyful moment; no words can describe them. I now felt a strong desire to leave earth. Father perceiving this, placed his hand in mine, and said, “My daughter, the battle is fought, the victory is won; follow me.” He now led me forth into open space. We were immediately encircled by a magnificent halo of light, and strains of heavenly music floated on the circumambient air. Here a scene of glory was revealed to me which human imagination is unable to conceive. As we penetrated the clear blue depths of ether, myriads of angelic beings crossed our path, and many greeted me with words of welcome.

527. Having passed beyond earth’s sphere, new and more glorious scenes burst upon my enraptured vision, and they increased in beauty at each successive stage of our journey. I felt that a great change had taken place in my condition, for the most intense sensations of pleasure pervaded my soul. Father watched my emotions with deep interest, and was delighted with the startling and happy effect produced on my mind. We passed quickly through the different stages of our progress, till we arrived at the fifth spiritual sphere, which is my present home. I am often with my friends on earth, and would gladly influence them, and prove my identity to them, if they would render themselves receptive to my power.

Experimental Investigation of the Spirit Manifestations

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