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The Spirit Maria’s Narrative, as given through the Mediumship of Mrs. M. B. Gourlay.


505. Dear Father: I promised to give you an account of my entrance into, and life in the spheres. As I said to you on a former occasion, I felt like one just awaking from a deep sleep induced by the deadening influence of an opiate. It was some time before I could collect my scattered senses. On partially regaining my consciousness, I recollected having been sick, and the anxiety of my friends for my restoration to health; and I wondered at the sudden change in my feelings. Those racking pains I experienced had all fled, and I felt a newness of life which was truly delightful. Indistinct and shadowy forms flitted before me. On closely inspecting them, I perceived that they were my departed friends. It was then that I fully realized the change in my condition. My first and greatest concern was for those who seemed so inconsolable at my loss, and for whom I still entertained the most devoted love and affection. My vision becoming gradually clearer, I perceived, among the group, my brother William ready to receive me. He was clothed in a garment of living light, and closely resembles you, dear father, in form and features. He addressed me in the following language:—“Welcome, thrice welcome, my beloved sister, to the regions of immortality! I have been your guardian angel through life, and have looked forward with pleasure to this happy reunion.” I was now informed by him that I must leave my treasures on earth. This gave me some uneasiness, but being assured that I should visit them again, I cheerfully accompanied him in his upward flight.

506. Surprise and delight pervaded my existence when I beheld those friends bound to me by the ties of consanguinity ready to receive me and fold me to their hearts.

507. Gliding swiftly upward, on gaining an elevation of some sixty miles from the earth’s surface, we passed into the second sphere;[15] on entering which a tremor seized me. A moral darkness pervades the atmosphere, which renders it gloomy and uncomfortable in the extreme. The inhabitants are dark and dismal in their appearance, and are continually tortured with the pangs of a guilty conscience. Here disorder and confusion reign supreme, each spirit vieing with the other in rendering discord more discordant. We passed on rapidly, leaving the second sphere and its undeveloped inhabitants behind.

508. On approaching the third sphere, we were met by a company of angels from the seventh sphere, among whom I recognised my brothers who died in infancy. They had attained the stature of men. I now felt that law of affinity which binds us so closely together, drawing me toward them, and I was enabled at once to single them out from the multitude which accompanied them. With smiles they greeted me, saying, “Welcome, dear sister; another link is added to the chain of love which binds us together. One by one they shall be removed from earth till the chain is completed here.”

509. We next entered the third sphere, where comparative order reigns. There I perceived many spirits intently listening to a teacher, whose theme was the subject of progression.

510. Anxiously desiring to reach my destiny, we quickly passed to the fourth sphere. How different the scene! every thing looked bright and beautiful to my enraptured sight. It seemed like an enchanted land. Thousands of flowers scented the air with their odoriferous perfume, and rapturous strains of music thrilled me with delight! We now approached a beautiful temple devoted to the science of the harmony of sounds. In it music in all its departments is taught. O, father, could you hear the master spirits of song, who lived ages ago on earth, attuning their instruments to harmony, your senses would become entranced. Music, being conceived in heaven, is sent forth to earth to elevate man, and attract him to our great and beneficent Father. I perceived that the fourth sphere was to be my abiding-place for the present.

511. On my return to the second sphere, it looked somewhat different to me, for, having lost my fear, I could more closely inspect the place and its inhabitants. The country, as far as my vision could penetrate, seemed like a vast desert, without a green spot to relieve the eye. Its denizens are seen straggling here and there, with no fixed object in view. All are seeking to minister to their perverted tastes. Some are holding forth in loud tones, and painting in false and gaudy colours the joy of their home; others, who occupied high stations on earth, hang their heads in confusion, and would fain hide themselves from view; but they are taunted with rude jests, and told that their “pride of position will avail them nothing here.” One heart-sickening feature of this place is the absence of children. No purity can exist where such evils abound. “The loud laugh, which bespeaks the vacant mind,” is heard pealing forth in derision, as the teachers from the higher spheres approach the motley group. Some, in whom the work of regeneration has commenced, are seen ascending the spiral stairway of progress which leads to the third sphere.

512. The beauty of the third sphere far transcends that of earth. The scenery is endlessly diversified with spiritual objects, corresponding to things of your planet. Mountains and valleys, hills and dales, rivers and lakes, and trees and plants, lend their enchantment to the scene. The inhabitants of this sphere are anxious for instruction. The teachers from the higher degrees are listened to with profound respect and attention.

513. I saw many persons whom I knew in the rudimental state. I met a spirit yesterday whom I have seen in your company before he left the form.[16] I felt attracted to him. On approaching him, he smilingly said, “Why do you take such an interest in me, fair being? I know you not.” “True,” I replied, “but I saw you in my father’s company before you left the earth, and was present once when my brother gave you a communication, which, by the way, you received with much incredulity; therefore, I feel constrained to speak to you.” He thanked me, saying, “I never believed in the immortality of the soul; consequently, it was not strange that I should doubt the spirits.” “Your skepticism,” I replied, “was honest; therefore you will rise much sooner in the scale of progression. A sincere unbelief is better than false professions.” Here I left him, and followed a multitude who were just entering a magnificent temple, where a teacher was to address them. This structure is immensely large and exquisitely symmetrical in its proportions. Many stately columns support its roof, each surmounted by a cap of chaste design. The material of this temple is similar in appearance to alabaster, but transparent. The seats are semicircular, forming an amphitheatre, in the centre of which stood the speaker, Channing. With uplifted hands he invoked God’s blessing on all mankind. With what breathless attention all listened to the glowing words of eloquence which fell from his lips! This is the true worship of the soul. His text was: “The light that is within you.” He dwelt at some length on the importance of self-elevation, as a means of progressing others. He spoke of the moral bond of union which binds the race together. “When one individual,” said he, “is degraded, all must suffer.” His discourse abounded with clear and energetic thought.

514. As we passed from this temple, I met my friend of yesterday. He remarked that he had learned much from the speaker who had just addressed us. He said that his mind, before entering the spheres, had been much troubled about the future, although light had begun to dawn on his mental horizon. “Hope,” said he, “with her cheering countenance, had almost deserted me, and the world appeared like a dreary wilderness. Sick and disheartened, I laid me down to recruit my exhausted energies. An unconscious period intervened, and then burst on my enraptured vision the glorious morning of the resurrection in all its loveliness; and with it came a bright messenger of light to bear me onward and upward to the boundless regions of progressive wisdom, where my untrammelled spirit can soar aloft to study the wondrous works of Almighty God.”

515. In the fourth sphere the scenery is characterized by still more beautiful landscapes: the grass appears of a greener green, and the flowers are more gorgeous in their hue, and the birds sing still more sweetly. Shall I lead you to this parterre? Here you perceive the lily with its almond-shaped leaves, and stamens delicately tinted with the faintest crimson; by its side is the blushing rose. Here you observe the myrtle, the emblem of love, and the passion-flower, which speaks of a deathless passion. All have an interior language which spirits alone can fully comprehend. The trees here are somewhat different from those on earth. This is a strange-looking one. Its trunk is very straight, and runs up to an immense height without branches; its top is surmounted by tufts of beautiful spiral-shaped silvery leaves; by its side stands one of very different appearance, whose depending branches, like the graceful willow, bend beneath their wealth of leaves, courting one to repose beneath their grateful shade. Here, too, are sparkling streams, murmuring cascades, and gushing fountains, and trees bending beneath their load of golden fruit; and here are temples devoted to the arts and sciences.

516. Now, dear father, let not a school on earth rise up before your imagination. Our schools and systems of instruction differ widely from those in the rudimental sphere, inasmuch as they are far more beautiful. We use neither books nor charts, but the spirit or substance of each subject is presented to the student, whose mind at once perceives its internal meaning. In this way are solved the most difficult problems.

517. Let us enter this building devoted to the teachers from the seventh sphere. See the multitude thronging its portals. Before we enter, let us glance at its exterior. It is circular in form, and beautiful in its architectural design. Its spiral columns are entwined with the richest flowers, which yield a delicious fragrance. As you enter this temple, its fretted vaults resound with the soft harmonious symphonies of spirit voices. In the midst of the group stands the teacher, Melancthon, who suffered in the cause of religious freedom. His countenance is mild and angelic, but he still retains that fearless spirit which characterized him on earth.

518. Here comes a band of beautiful children carrying wreaths of flowers in their hands. They are singing, and they lead by the hand a lovely child just escaped from earth. How happy it seems! It is quite unconscious of the change in its condition.

519. Let us now wend our way to the fifth sphere. This state is in a still greater degree heavenly. As far as the eye can reach are seen lovely villas, magnificent temples, forest-crowned hills, and gently undulating plains. Let us go up this avenue, shaded with lofty sycamores: this is the residence of H. K. White. How enchanting the spot! It is a low cottage embosomed in the midst of trees and flowers, which, by interlacing, form beautiful arbours with arched entrances. The grounds about this dwelling are skilfully and tastefully laid out. The clematis and honeysuckle entwine their tendrils around the trellis-work of the door. Let us enter. Statues of the most exquisite finish fill the niches; couches and divans of various forms and singular devices grace the rooms, and carpets of the softest texture and most brilliant dyes cover the floors. It is, indeed, the beau ideal of a poet’s home. In this sphere dwell Channing, Ballou, Murray, the Wesleys, Byron, Burns, Moore, Shelley, Scott, and Hahnemann, the founder of your school, who is still engaged in the investigation of scientific truths. I speak of those persons in particular, because I am personally acquainted with them, being attracted to them by a congeniality of feeling.

520. The sixth state or sphere far transcends the most gorgeous picture of oriental splendour. So lovely are the scenes presented to the view there, that I cannot impress your mind with any thing like a just conception of them. I receive my ideas of the fifth, sixth, and seventh spheres from the spirits who dwell therein, having never visited them in person. What a magnificent panorama is there presented to the spirit’s gaze! There are colossal temples, and “houses not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.” As far as the vision can extend may be seen cities and palaces, whose lofty domes sparkle like diamonds in the sunbeams of heaven; oceans and seas with which yours are mere lakes in comparison; placid lakes and noble rivers winding their interminable way through valleys clothed with perpetual verdure.

521. There are gardens there of inconceivable beauty, filled with the choicest and most aromatic herbs and flowers, and birds with every conceivable variety of plumage. The parks are of great magnitude, and abound with the most beautiful animals. The swift antelope, the wild gazelle, and the graceful deer are seen ranging over the flowery plains. There the lion and the lamb lie down together in peaceful innocence. There are congregated millions of spirits, who are associated together like a harmonious and happy family. The vales are vocal with celestial melody, and the air is redolent with the perfume of flowers.

522. How shall I describe to you the transcendent glory of the seventh sphere? Let us contemplate it. In it all the beauties and joys of the lower degrees are combined, but in a much more refined and sublimated form. There dwell the spirits of the just made more perfect. Innumerable companies of children, which constitute the infant army of heaven, are singing in gladsome strains the love of Him who called them into being, causing the atmosphere to resound with harmonious shouts of joy. There dwells Jesus of Nazareth, the great moral reformer, and “John the beloved.” There reside the apostles, prophets, and martyrs of olden time. There live Confucius, Seneca, Plato, Socrates, and Solon, with all the philosophers of ancient Greece and Rome.

523. That sphere is illumined by the refulgent beams of heaven’s great central sun, in whose genial warmth and golden flood of living light spirits find life eternal.

Experimental Investigation of the Spirit Manifestations

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