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Narrative of his Spiritual Birth, by W. W-—-, a most benevolent Spirit of the Fifth Sphere.


493. “Did you ever have a most delightful dream in which you saw your near and dear friends about you, all seeming happy and contented with their condition? If you have, then you can form an imperfect idea of my state when I awoke to the reality of the change which opened upon my entranced sight on being ushered into the spheres. I had been long sick, and was subject to periods of unconsciousness. Therefore I did not soon perceive the change to be real. I felt almost too much happiness for my spirit to bear.

“On looking around, I perceived my mother, with outstretched arms, ready to receive her welcome son to the mansion prepared for him.

494. “Did I still dream? I asked: no! it was a blessed reality; all pain had fled, and my spirit rejoiced in new health. I could hardly contain myself from expressing my gratitude to God in verbal ejaculations. But I soon found that I had a much more delightful mode of expression. Each countenance beamed with love and intelligence, and the spirits could interpret my thoughts as readily as mortals can read a well-printed book.

495. “One spirit, on whose countenance I could read volumes, approached, and taking me by the hand said, ‘Welcome, dear brother, to this sinless world, where your progression is sure; no obstacles shall impede your footsteps; the conditions of time are removed; your feet shall fail not in the race of progress. Onward and Upward is our motto.’

496. “With willing heart I followed my guide. Every step taken led me up toward the great Source of light and truth. I never wearied in my journey. Bright and sparkling waters flowed at my feet, and living flowers sprang up before me. Each new object gave me courage to proceed. Old familiar faces met my gaze at every footstep, and cherub forms flitted past me. Golden clouds rested over the scene, and all nature was refulgent with light and animation. Huge oaks tossed their giant branches to the pure breezes of heaven, and lofty pines bowed their heads in love and adoration. The little birds sent forth their notes of praise, while the air was laden with the perfume of flowers. Being fond of the beauties of nature while on earth, I enjoyed this scene much.

497. “I was rejoiced to see so many of my friends present. Each vied with the other to give me the most cordial welcome.

498. “I soon perceived that I was near my journey’s end, for I had reached the fifth sphere of spiritual progression. My guide pointed out to my view the mansion which I was to occupy.

499. “I was told that I could return to earth, when I was so inclined. Inclination often draws me thither. So long as a spirit has friends on earth, he will visit them; but when they join him, he loses his attachment for the rudimental sphere, and seldom thereafter leaves his celestial abode.

500. “My habitation consists of suites of rooms, most beautifully ornamented with paintings and statues and the most elegant productions of spirit art. Each individual can have his dwelling to suit his own particular taste or fancy. The more refined and elevated the spirit, the more refined and beautiful is the house or home that he inhabits.

501. “The occupations of the higher spirits are of a more intellectual character than the highest on earth.

502. “Our spheres are types of yours; but we do not have to provide for the casket which contains the spiritual jewel.”

Experimental Investigation of the Spirit Manifestations

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