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Under socialism, the State puts itself in the place of God and says: The earth is the State's, and all it contains, the world, and those who dwell in it.


From my earliest thoughts concerning humanities social organization, it was clear that men were not ants, we were not blind followers of pheromones. Each of us comes into this world with a mind and individual spirit, none of us are the same, despite what many leaders in the collective wish to believe. Jesus understood that men were not to be chained underfoot of socialist dictators, Men were not to live like ants……. “He” explained all this to me and below, in my words, as I understood it, are “His” teachings;

Every human being is a unique individual- no two the same. Not even identical twins are the same. The spirit or soul that inhabits each human being is vastly different from any other.

For any form of government to treat its citizens as ‘subjects’ is wrong. Except for equal application of the law, for any government to treat its citizens as entirely equal to each other, likewise is wrong. All men are, from birth, unique and different. Government is not to be a giant lawnmower cutting us down, each and every one, to a uniform size.

What distinguishes us, each from the other, comprises a multitude of things. First, none of us are the same as to our ability and capacity to reason and perform complex mental and abstract functions. Each of us is as different intellectually as snowflakes, where, even though there are billions of them, no two are identical.

No two humans are entirely identical physically. Each has unique DNA and external physical differences like strength, endurance and of course, fingerprints. It can be said, simply and truly, that none of us are the same!

Therefore, it cannot be just, in any way, for any government to force humans under a smothering grey blanket of sameness. A just government, one incorporating the laws, rules, regulations, morals, ethos under which we can all live in harmony, must respect our unique characters. America, to a greater degree than any other government, was designed with this extraordinary respect for individual freedom incorporated into its systems. The individual has rights and freedoms in America that are greater than those of the collective. American law favors the individual over the state and, to that degree and only to that degree, is it favored by God… We have forgotten that and are at risk of losing our freedoms as the collective grows stronger.

To the extent that the state, in any way, tries to diminish the rights of the individual, to that degree, that state is diminished in the eyes of God and loses esteem in the community of men. The idea of any government forcing its collective will on the rights of the individual is anathema to the concept of a truly “just” government. God knows this and ‘obamacare’ was the final straw preceding and prompting the return of Christ……

Equally, that government that diminishes and discourages the individual’s ability to stand on his own two feet and fend for himself is a bad government! By subsidizing the individual such that he loses his ability to feed himself, the state reduces the individual’s self-respect and destroys his character. That state is therefore evil!

By and through collective feeding, the government creates a nation of weak imbeciles, incapable of productive work and without the spark of human spirit, zombies, stumbling through life, drooling with dead eyes, waiting for federal largess.

There is nothing so degrading to the human spirit than providing sustenance without requiring the individual to earn it. Very quickly, the human, loses his concept of self worth and becomes a Pavlovian dog, salivating at the ring of the government feeding bell…… To create a nation of individuals incapable of feeding themselves is purely evil no matter the motive! To do so solely to buy their support, to remain in elective office, is a terrible crime and one the forces of the collective will suffer for….throughout eternity.

Conversely, to feed the poor, to do so solely as a Christian charity, without thought or motive of personal or political gain, is much favored by God. However, merely to feed without teaching the hungry to feed themselves is not so favored.

There are, of course, those unfortunates too sick and too poorly to ever be expected to fend for themselves under any conditions. This is understood and to care for them is purely and always a good. For a charity or individual to provide life-long sustenance for those able to work however, is not any kind of good!

America went far wrong with the food stamp and other welfare programs. None of these wayward concepts were, in any way, ever meant to be temporary in nature. None were established with any thought of teaching or to act as a helping step toward self-respect and employment. No, they all were and are nothing but a permanent dole- meant only to pander, using the money of the productive class to allow corrupt politicians to remain in office. God knows this of course and is here now to put a stop to it all, to save America and restore her toward her proper place in humanity’s history.

The innate goodness and greatness of any individual lies in his independence and his ability to make his way in the world. To do this, a just society needs to create an environment allowing the greatest possible freedom of expression. Any regulation impeding the individual’s ability to build must be removed. The sole caveat being that the endeavor, whatever it may be, must not tread on the rights of others to do the same. In other words, government must get out of the way and allow the entrepreneurs to succeed.

In America, the collective has been, for decades, step by step, creating minor impediments to progress, like the Lilliputians restraining Gulliver. Today, there are over seven hundred federal agencies and departments, each promulgating thousands of regulations until today, it is almost impossible to build anything. Like Pogo, we have seen the enemy and he is us! This must stop! My book, The Enemy Within lists each of these endless departments where toil the dreary denizens of the collective creating endless mazes of madness and making life increasingly restrictive and miserable for the productive class.

Who are the forces of the collective? Who are God’s enemies, who are on the side of the devil, who are the truly evil ones who must be rooted out and destroyed? Who are these wretches and how can we recognize them?

To recognize the evil doers of the collective there are several overt characteristics; first, they are mostly government employees. None have ever had a productive thought in their wooly little heads. None have ever earned a taxable cent. You might argue about this but think, taxing a guy who gets paid from money confiscated through mostly the illegal taxation of productive citizens is a kind of financial sophistry. Money taken from government employees does not help the country or add to the treasury at all!

The enemy, in the millions, almost twenty million at last count, sit at little green metal government desks dreaming up ways to make our lives miserable. Their bosses are political appointees, mostly picked by the “collective,” today, under obama. These guys and gals, like Lisa Jackson, at EPA, and Eric Holder at Justice, are committed far-left zealots, true-believers and racists who’s, dream it is to do serious harm to America. God knows who they are and intends to do something about it.

When Evo Morales campaigned in Bolivia, on behalf of the impoverished and incredibly ignorant Indians, he used posters with Ernesto 'Che' Guevara likeness. His supporters wandered around, screaming unintelligible demands for money while chewing coca leaves, drooling and addressing each other as ‘comrade’ this and ‘comrade’ that. After the squat, ugly, little Indian was elected, he found (surprise) that there wasn’t any money in the treasury. He learned that the gas companies and other foreign investors had taken their valuables and blew town. Che, by the way, was a psychopathic bloody murderer who was only and solely interested in power and intimidation.

Evo’s idea, like Fidel and obama, was to spread the wealth… first by stealing it from private individuals and companies ( they call this euphemistically, nationalization) and then trying to run the farms and companies. What he found, like the old idiot Mugabe and many before him, is that it takes incentive, intelligence and capital to successfully operate any business. Poor little Evo, he had neither…. All he had on his side was the unwavering support of his fellow idiots, which is, of course, a majority in any town, isn’t it?

Equally, the increasing numbers of federal and state welfare dependents in America handed the presidency to obama. Thus, the tyranny of the majority began. Mob rule is the order of the day and, with the election of obama, America slides deeper into the evil clutches of the collective. We will discuss this at greater length in subsequent chapters.

Many will argue that The Vanishment is merely the idealistic ranting of a mad capitalist arch conservative. And, in the beginning, when I first began writing the book, I also thought that no one could possibly take seriously the conclusions and actions of my imaginary Jesus. However, as the scope of the book developed and I realized how it might be received, I began to feel the weight of responsibility in creating ‘his’ words , imaginary or not.

It is, of course, impossible to enter the mind of the creator and no man ever shall. However, if one can grasp the entirety of creation itself one then might ascertain the natural flow and position of the building blocks of the universe and, at least, visualize how they might fit together…or, more to the point, how they should fit together……

It was at this point, that I reached what you might call an epiphany of sorts. I understood that my Imaginary Jesus was, to an extent, guiding my hand. “His” words and works, as I was seeing and writing about them, allowed me to see ‘his’ natural order just as the photographer sees the ghostly image appear in the developer fluid until it finally crystallizes into a clear image. So, read carefully, consider carefully and see if you can discern that perfect pattern that was intended for us all from the first…

The Vanishment

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