Читать книгу The Vanishment - Robert LPN Firth - Страница 6



“Surely some revelation is at hand; Surely the Second Coming is at hand.

The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out when a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi

Troubles my sight: a waste of desert sand; A shape with lion body and the head of a man,

A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun, Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it

Wind shadows of the indignant desert birds.” Yeats


Real men stand on the feet God gave them. They fight the forces of the collective, inherently reacting with anathema to their very presence. The differences between the forces of the collective and those of the productive class are immediately apparent.

One notes the beady eyes, lank hair and stooped shoulders of the weaselly members of the collective. By contrast, the heroes of humanity are strong and face the world full on, reveling at the difficulties and taking on whatever comes into their path. These men built the railroads, went to the moon, sailed the ships, fought the wars, flew the aircraft and provided for their families. They built America!

The weasels do none of these things. They lie in the dark, preying on perceived weaknesses and taking all they can from the strong. Secretly, they hate the strong, resenting their intelligence, wealth and power while chipping away, using the organs of the collective, to destroy their foundations. The weasels are the collective politicians, the millions of government minions and those who speak for them.- the useless, the dross and scum of humanity- God’s mistakes and an embarrassment- soon to be dealt with!

You can see them every day, bleating and whining on liberal state TV and radio, mouthpieces for the collective, bashing away at the true American heroes. None having a clue what life is all about, none having the courage to do for themselves…. (photo right, hysterical uber lefty having a hissy fit after 2010 midterm Republican victory)

Many of you might take exception to my portrayal of the collective class but, I would submit this: Every cent the weasels have comes from us, those who earn and have earned real money. Those who have built the cities and towns, the roads, the power generators, the cars the aircraft. Those of us who dreamed the impossible dream and then went out and did it… Every single thing the weasels have, all the food they eat, their homes, their clothes, everything, is a direct result of the productive class providing. Without us, they would be nude, starved, diseased and soon die…Consider these distinctions and then let me know if you still take exception to my description of the takers?

The productive citizen does not sit around criticizing those who have made something of themselves. He does not skulk in the dark, plotting ways to take away the fruits of the labor of others. The productive citizen is too busy thinking of ways to make progress, to build, to invent, to do! He uses his legs to stand on and his mind to think. He is educated and active. He is favored by God for living up to God’s concept of what a human should be.

If you try to take away from these men the hard-earned products of their labor, they will fight and they will win! We see these battles every day. The collective tries to increase taxation, increase fees and double the size and cost of government and tax the successful to pay for it. In Maryland they passed a special millionaires tax and what happened? The millionaires moved out of state. New York City learned years ago that this doesn’t work. Half the great companies that used to be there left. Remember, the weasels need numbers on their side.. They are innately cowards so, they have to have an abundance of fellow weasels to maintain their advantage. (photo above; Gov employees)

If God hates the collective, then why did he make so many of them? Well, you can imagine, I asked Jesus about this. He said, ”Robert, we never intended that there would be so many imperfect humans, we made them all with the same possibilities, but, as you know, man has free will and the many children of the collective took on the sad characteristics of their parents.” “And since you all allowed them to prosper, their numbers naturally increased.” “But, don’t worry, I’m going to do something about them all pretty soon.”

Having considered Jesus’ words very carefully, I understood that some momentous happenings were imminent. The forces of the collective indeed were allowed to multiply in the 19 and 20th century and that was a grand fault of humanity. The following chapter discusses Communism, one of the greatest of the collective evils and one we, as productive men, were able to destroy by ourselves.

The Vanishment

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