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Editions, Translations, and Extracts, 1694–1789

English Editions

1. An account of Denmark, as it was in the year 1692. (London, 1694). [52], 271, [1] p. 8°; see also An account of Denmark, as it was in the year MDCXCII. (London: Printed in the year 1694). [24], 172 p.; 12°. Wing M2382A (Donald Wing, Short-Title Catalogue of Books Printed in England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales and British America, and of English Books Printed in Other Countries, 1641–1700. 2nd ed., rev. 4 vols. New York: Modern Language Association, 1972–98. Covers all extant books, pamphlets, and broadsides printed in English between 1641 and 1700).

2. An account of Denmark, as it was in the year 1692. (London: Printed in the year 1694). 26 p. l., 271 p.; 20 cm. Notes: Errata corrected, no list on p. 271. Titlepage, list of contents, and some pages of the preface from the same typesetting. Wing M2382A.

3. An account of Denmark, as it was in the year 1692. 3rd edition corrected. (London: For T. Goodwin, 1694). [40], 120, 119–246 p.; 8°. Wing M2383.

4. Mr. Molesworth’s preface. With Historical and Political remarks. To which is added, A True State of his Case, with respect to the Irish Convocation; their Complaint, and the Proceeding of the House of Lords upon it; As also His own Justification. (London: Printed, and sold by J. Roberts at the Oxford Arms in Warwick Lane, 1713). [2], 38 p.; 8°.

5. An account of Denmark: as it was in the year 1692. The fourth edition, carefully revised. (London: Printed for Tho. Longman, 1738). [8], xxiii, [1] 432 p.; 8°.

6. Navigantium atque itinerantium bibliotheca. Or, a complete collection of voyages and travels. Consisting of above six hundred of the most authentic writers, beginning with Hackluit, Purchass, &c. in English; . . . To which is prefixed a copious introduction, . . . Originally published in two volumes in folio, by John Harris, . . . Now carefully revised, with large additions, . . . (London: Printed for T. Woodward, A. Ward, S. Birt, D. Browne, T. Longman, 1744–48). Republication of 1705 work by John Harris. Volume 2, pp. 503–8, reproduces extracts from the Account.

7. An account of Denmark, as it was in the year 1692 By the Right Honourable Robert Lord Viscount Molesworth. The fifth edition. (Glasgow: Printed by R. Urie and Company, 1745). [4], xxvii, [1], 190 p.; 8°.

7a. An account of Denmark, as it was in the year 1692. By the Right Honourable Robert Lord Viscount Molesworth. The sixth edition. (Glasgow: Printed by R. Urie, 1752). xxxii, [2], 188 p.; 12°.

8. Franco-Gallia: or, an account of the ancient free state of France, and most other parts of Europe, before the loss of their liberties. Written originally in Latin by . . . Francis Hotoman, in the year 1574. (London: Printed for Tim. Goodwin, 1711). [4], vi, [6], 10, vi, 144 p.; 8°.

9. Franco-Gallia: or, an account of the ancient free state of France, and most other parts of Europe, before the loss of their liberties. Written originally in Latin by . . . Francis Hotoman, in the year 1574. (London: Printed for Edward Valentine, 1721). “The second edition, with additions, and a new preface by the translator.” [6], xxxvi, [6], 10, vi, 148, [6] p.; 8°.

9a. Franco-Gallia: or, an account of the ancient free state of France, and most other parts of Europe, before the loss of their liberties. Written originally in Latin by the famous civilian Francis Hotoman, in the year 1574. And translated into English by the author of the Account of Denmark. “The second edition, with additions, and a new preface by the translator.” (London: Printed for T. Longman, 1738). [6], xxxvi, [6], 148, [4], p.; 8°.

10. The principles of a Real Whig in John Ker, The memoirs and secret negotiations of John Ker, of Kersland, Esq; Part IIId and last. To which is added, A Copy of the Information exhibited by the Attorney-General against the First Part of these Memoirs. Published by his express direction. (London: Printed in the Year 1726 [1727]), pp. 191–217.

11. The principles of a real whig; contained in a preface to the famous Hotoman’s Franco-Gallia, Written by the late Lord-Viscount Molesworth, item XIII, April 1768, in John Almon (ed.), The Political Register (1768), vol. 2, pp. 281–96.

12. Extracts from the Account were published in The world displayed; or, a curious collection of voyages and travels, selected from the writers of all nations. In which the conjectures and interpolations of several vain editors and translators are expunged, . . . Illustrated and embellished with a variety of maps and prints. (London: Printed for J. Newbery, 1759–61). Volume 20 (published in 1761), pp. 54–73. This project compiled by Christopher Smart, Oliver Goldsmith, and Samuel Johnson extracted material from Molesworth’s volumes but “omitted . . . whatever appears to be dictated by partiality.” The work was reprinted a number of times, reaching a third edition by 1778.

13. The principles of a real whig; contained in a preface to the famous Hotoman’s Franco-Gallia, Written by the late Lord-Viscount Molesworth; and now reprinted at the request of the London Association. “To which are added, their resolutions, and circular letter.” (London: Printed for J. Williams, 1775). 26 p.

14. Some considerations for the promoting of agriculture, and employing the poor. (Dublin: Printed by George Grierson, 1723). [2], iii, [1], 44 p.; 8°.

European Editions 1

1. Etat present de Danemarc: par lequel on voit le fort, & le foible de cette couronne, avec des remarques très utiles, sur son gouvernement despotique, & la conduite qu’elle tient aujourd’hui . . . traduit de l’anglois. (A Londres, Chez Thomas Fuller, 1694). 32 p. l., 264 p.; 14 cm. Wing 2383aA.

2. De Vrye Staats-Regering, Geschetst in een Beschrijvinge van Denemarken, Zoo als ’t was in den jare 1692. (Te Rotterdam: Pieter van der Slaart, 1694). With additional “To the reader” and poems signed by the Dutch journalist Pieter Rabus (1660–1702). 8°.

3. Mémoires de M. Molesworth, envoié de Sa Majesté britannique à la cour de Danemarc, l’an 1692. (Nancy: Chez l’imprimeur, 1694). 2 p. l., 412 p.; 16 cm. Wing M2383aA.

4. Mémoires de M. Molesworth, envoié de Sa Majesté britannique à la cour de Danemarc, l’an 1692. (Nancy: Chez l’imprimeur, 1695).

5. État du Royaume de Danemark, tel qu’il étoit en 1692, etc. Traduit de l’Anglois suivant la troisième édition de Londres. (Amsterdam: Adrian Braakman, Marchand Libraire dans le Beursstraat, prés le Dam à L’enseigne de la Ville d’Amsterdam, 1695). 303 p.; 12°.

6. Dännemarks gegenwärtiger Staat, unter der numehro [sic] souverainen Regierung Christiani V . . . / erstlich in Englisch und Frantzösisch, nachgehends in Holländisch, nunmehro aber wegen dessen unvergleichlicher Curiosität auch in unsre teutsche Mutter-Sprache, den Geschicht- und Staats-Liebhabenden zum besten übersetzet. (Cölln: Bey Pieter Marteau, 1695). 158 p. 16 × 20 cm. Reprinted 1720.

7. Extrait d’un livre intitulé: État du royaume de Dannemarck, tel qu’il étoit en 1692 . . . Traduit de l’Anglois suivant la troisième édition de Londres. (Amsterdam: Adrian Braakman, 1695). 62 p.; 8°. The British Library copy of this work [F.579 (5)] is bound with a number of other French pamphlets from the 1780s and 1790s. It extracts chapters 7 and 8 of the original (chapter 7, pp. 1–42; chapter 8, pp. 43–62). The point of reproducing the text was to underscore the role of the Church as an agent of despotism. Despite a good constitution, the Church had turned the Danes into slaves: “cette Révolution fut opérée par le dévoument hypocrite des pretres; par la colère aveugle des communes, par l’imprudent obstination des nobles.”

7a. Extrait d’un livre intitulé État du royaume de Dannemarck, tel qu’il étoit en 1692 . . . Traduit de l’anglois, suivant la troisième edition de Londres. (A Amsterdam, chez Adrian Braakman, 1695). 62 p.; translation of chapters 7 and 8 of the Account of Denmark, as it was in the year 1692. Republished in 1789, see Horace E. Hayden, French Revolutionary Pamphlets (New York: New York Public Library, 1945).

8. Etat du royaume de Danemark, tel qu’il étoit l’an 1692 Suivant la troisième édition de Londres. (Amsterdam, 1695). [6], 412, [24] p. (pp. [1]–[2].) [1] leaf of plates; 8°.

9. Memoires de Mr. Molesworth: dans lesquels on voit l’état du royaume de Danemark, tel qu’il étoit l’an 1692. Derniere édition, augmentée d’un indice tres necessaire. (A Paris, Chez la veuve Mabre Cramoisy, 1697). [5], 412, [24] p.; [1] p. [436]; 8°. Includes index.

10. Dännemarks gegenwärtiger Staat, unter der numehro [sic] souverainen Regierung Christiani V . . . / erstlich in Englisch und Frantzösisch, nachgehends in Holländisch, nunmehro aber wegen dessen unvergleichlicher Curiosität auch in unsre teutsche Mutter-Sprache, den Geschicht- und Staats-Liebhabenden zum besten übersetzet. (Cölln: Bey Pieter Marteau, 1697).

11. Mémoires de Mr. Molesworth: dans lesquels on voit l’état du Royaume de Danemark. Nouvelle édition, etc. (Paris, 1705). 412 p.; 8°.

12. Memoires de Mr. Molesworth: dans lequel on voit l’état du royaume de Danemark. Nouvelle édition, augmentée d’un indice très necessaire. (A Paris, Chez la veuve de Mabre Cramoisy, 1705). [4], 412, [24] p.; 8°.

13. Etat present du royaume de Danemarc: par lequel on voit le fort, & le foible de cette couronne, avec des remarques trèsutiles, sur son gouvernement despotique, & la conduite qu’elle tient aujourd’hui. (A Paris, Chez la veuve Mabre Cramoisy, 1714). 2 p. l., 412 p., 12 l.; front. 8°.

14. Etat present du royaume de Danemarc: par lequel on voit le fort, & le foible de cette couronne, avec des remarques trèsutiles, sur son gouvernement despotique, & la conduite qu’elle tient aujourd’hui. (Paris: Chez la veuve Mabre Cramoisy, 1715). 3 p. l., 412, [23] p.; 8°.

15. État present de Danemarc . . .: Trad. de l’Anglois (Amsterdam: Jean Baptiste Desroches de Parthenay, 1732).

16. Berättelse, huruledes konunga riket Dannemark ifrån et fritt wal-rike blifwit inom fyra dagar förwandlat til et ärfteligit enwäldigt rike, på riks dagen i Köpenhamn år 1660. (Stockholm: Nordström Wennberg, 1771).

An Account of Denmark

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