Читать книгу Property Management Kit For Dummies - Robert S. Griswold - Страница 17

Renting Your Property


One of the first and most important lessons I learned when I started in property management more than 40 years ago is that vacant real estate isn’t a very good investment. You need to fill those vacancies and keep them filled with tenants who pay on time. Just try looking in the mirror and telling yourself that all the rent came in last month. I bet you can’t do it without smiling!

Renting your property and retaining your tenants don’t magically happen, of course; those tasks require having a plan and doing a lot of work. But you want to work smart, not just hard. In the following sections, I cover some of the best practices for preparing your rental units, setting your rents, attracting qualified prospects, and closing the sale.

Chapter 4 expands on where everything begins: acquiring the rental property. Part 2 helps you position your new rental property within the rental market and discover how to find good tenants.

Property Management Kit For Dummies

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