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Key Terms
ОглавлениеAcademic achievement:TKnowledge and skills that children learn through formal and information educational experiences; typically reflects reading, math, and written languageAffect:TA child’s short-term emotional expression; assessed by observationBehavior therapy:TA system of psychotherapy that focuses on children’s overt actions; tries to change behavior by altering environmental contingencies that either elicit the behavior or maintain it over timeCognitive therapy:TA system of psychotherapy that focuses on children’s thoughts; identifies and challenges cognitive biases or distortions that contribute to maladaptive actions or emotionsCommon factors:TFeatures shared by all forms of effective psychotherapy, including a supportive relationship, a plausible explanation for the person’s problem, and a method for alleviating that problemConstruct validity:TThe degree to which test scores assess the construct of interest; usually supported by strong correlations with similar constructs (convergent validity) and weak correlations with dissimilar constructs (discriminant validity)Content validity:TThe degree to which test items are relevant to the construct of interest; usually supported by asking experts to rate each itemCriterion-related validity:TThe degree to which test scores can be used to infer a probable standing on some external variable of interest; usually supported when test scores are associated with outcomes at the same point in time (concurrent validity) or in the future (predictive validity)Cultural formulation interview:TAn interview used to gather information about families’ racial, ethnic, and cultural identities and how these identities affect their current problems, strengths, and preferences for treatmentCulturally adapted treatment:TModifying evidence-based psychotherapy to fit families’ social–cultural context and valuesDiagnostic interview:TThe most common assessment technique in which the clinician collects data regarding the child and family’s presenting problem, history, and current functioningDodo verdict:TA term used to describe the finding that no single system of psychotherapy works best under all circumstancesEffectiveness:TThe effects of therapy under real-world conditions (e.g., therapists using a wide range of treatment approaches, clients with comorbid problems)Efficacy:TThe effects of therapy under optimal conditions (e.g., well-trained and closely supervised therapists, carefully selected clients with single problems)Family systems therapy:TA system of psychotherapy that views the entire family as the “client”; improvement in one member’s behavior will necessarily change all members of the familyFunctional analysis of behavior:TAn assessment technique in which the clinician attempts to identify the antecedent events that elicit a behavior and the environmental consequences that maintain it over timeInsight:TDuring a mental status exam, the degree to which the child recognizes that he might have a psychological problemIntelligence:TA broad construct related to people’s abilities to adapt to their environments, to solve problems, and to learn and use information accurately and efficientlyInterpersonal therapy:TA system of psychotherapy that focuses on the quality of children’s relationships with others and helps them cope with changes to these relationships over timeIntersectionality:TA term used to describe the way a person’s social–cultural factors and/or identities interact to either promote or hinder their developmentJudgment:TDuring a mental status exam, the child’s ability to consider the consequences of behavior before actingMental status exam:TA brief assessment of the child’s current functioning in three broad areas: (1) appearance and actions, (2) emotion, and (3) cognitionMood:TA child’s long-term emotional disposition; usually assessed by self-reportMulti-informant assessment:TThe process of gathering data from several different people (e.g., parents, teachers, child) to obtain an estimate of children’s functioning across settingsMultimethod assessment:TThe process of gathering data in a number of different ways (e.g., self-report, observation, testing) to obtain a more complete picture of children’s functioningNorm-referenced tests:TTests that yield scores that quantify the degree to which a child’s performance on the test deviates from the scores of his or her peersNormal distribution:TA bell-shaped distribution of scores in which most children earn scores near the mean and fewer earn scores at the extremesOrientation:TDuring a mental status exam, the child’s awareness of person, place, and timePersonality:TA person’s relatively stable pattern of thoughts, feelings, and overt actionsPresenting problem:TThe family’s primary reason(s) for seeking helpPsychodynamic therapy:TA system of psychotherapy that focuses on unconscious thoughts and feelings that affect children’s functioning; often attends to transference—that is, the client’s attitude and pattern of responding to the therapistPsychological assessment:TThe process of gathering data about children and families in order to reach valid conclusions about their current functioning and future well-beingPsychosocial history:TA portion of the diagnostic interview in which the clinician gathers information about the child’s developmental, educational, medical, and psychological pastPsychotherapy:TA professional relationship between at least two people with the goal of alleviating distress or impairment, and promoting growth and adaptation; this goal is usually achieved by altering the client’s thoughts, feelings, or actionsRapport:TAn aspect of the therapeutic relationship in which the client believes that the therapist understands his or her feelings and is willing to participate in the initial phase of treatmentReliability:TThe consistency of scores generated by a psychological test; includes test–retest, inter-rater, and internal consistency typesStandardization:TA property of evidence-based tests; indicates that tests are administered, scored, and interpreted in the same way to all examineesStructured diagnostic interview:TAn assessment process in which the clinician systematically reviews all of the major psychiatric diagnoses with children and/or parents to determine whether the child meets criteria for any diagnosisTherapeutic alliance:TThe collaborative relationship between the client and the therapist that is built on trust and both parties are working toward shared goalsValidity:TA test’s ability to accurately reflect a desired construct for a specific purpose; includes content, construct, and criterion-related types