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[The person to whom these verses are addressed lived at Adamhill in Ayrshire, and merited the praise of rough and ready-witted, which the poem bestows. The humorous dream alluded to, was related by way of rebuke to a west country earl, who was in the habit of calling all people of low degree “Brutes!—damned brutes.” “I dreamed that I was dead,” said the rustic satirist to his superior, “and condemned for the company I kept. When I came to hell-door, where mony of your lordship’s friends gang, I chappit, and ‘Wha are ye, and where d’ye come frae?’ Satan exclaimed. I just said, that my name was Rankine, and I came frae yere lordship’s land. ‘Awa wi’ you,’ cried Satan, ye canna come here: hell’s fou o’ his lordship’s damned brutes already.’”]

O rough, rude, ready-witted Rankine,

The wale o’ cocks for fun an’ drinkin’!

There’s monie godly folks are thinkin’,

Your dreams[54] an’ tricks

Will send you, Korah-like, a-sinkin’

Straught to auld Nick’s.

Ye hae sae monie cracks an’ cants,

And in your wicked, dru’ken rants,

Ye mak a devil o’ the saunts,

An’ fill them fou;

And then their failings, flaws, an’ wants,

Are a’ seen through.

Hypocrisy, in mercy spare it!

That holy robe, O dinna tear it!

Spare’t for their sakes wha aften wear it,

The lads in black!

But your curst wit, when it comes near it,

Rives’t aff their back.

Think, wicked sinner, wha ye’re skaithing,

It’s just the blue-gown badge and claithing

O’ saunts; tak that, ye lea’e them naething

To ken them by,

Frae ony unregenerate heathen,

Like you or I.

I’ve sent you here some rhyming ware,

A’ that I bargain’d for, an’ mair;

Sae, when you hae an hour to spare,

I will expect

Yon sang,[55] ye’ll sen’t wi cannie care,

And no neglect.

Tho’ faith, sma’ heart hae I to sing!

My muse dow scarcely spread her wing!

I’ve play’d mysel’ a bonnie spring,

An’ danc’d my fill!

I’d better gaen an’ sair’t the king,

At Bunker’s Hill.

’Twas ae night lately, in my fun,

I gaed a roving wi’ the gun,

An’ brought a paitrick to the grun’,

A bonnie hen,

And, as the twilight was begun,

Thought nane wad ken.

The poor wee thing was little hurt;

I straikit it a wee for sport,

Ne’er thinkin’ they wad fash me for’t;

But, deil-ma-care!

Somebody tells the poacher-court

The hale affair.

Some auld us’d hands had taen a note,

That sic a hen had got a shot;

I was suspected for the plot;

I scorn’d to lie;

So gat the whissle o’ my groat,

An’ pay’t the fee.

But, by my gun, o’ guns the wale,

An’ by my pouther an’ my hail,

An’ by my hen, an’ by her tail,

I vow an’ swear!

The game shall pay o’er moor an’ dale,

For this niest year.

As soon’s the clockin-time is by,

An’ the wee pouts begun to cry,

L—d, I’se hae sportin’ by an’ by,

For my gowd guinea;

Tho’ I should herd the buckskin kye

For’t, in Virginia.

Trowth, they had muckle for to blame!

’Twas neither broken wing nor limb,

But twa-three draps about the wame

Scarce thro’ the feathers;

An’ baith a yellow George to claim,

An’ thole their blethers!

It pits me ay as mad’s a hare;

So I can rhyme nor write nae mair;

But pennyworths again is fair,

When time’s expedient:

Meanwhile I am, respected Sir,

Your most obedient.


A certain humorous dream of his was then making a noise in the country-side.


A song he had promised the author.

The Complete Works

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