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Inverted Ghazal

for David Lehman

A mirror fuses false appearances;

(A mere few things in this world become one).

Amir, who drove me to Persepolis,

Insisted we speak English on the way.

A mirror used to translate a language

(i.e., dictionary) will get broken.

Ah, mirror! Who’s the fairest of them all,

Since radiant Marzieh stopped singing?

A mirror: Urdu/Persian (vice/versa);

It figures Ghalib liked to read Hafez.

A Mir who married an old Khavari

Begat my great-great-grandmother Ezzat.

A mirror to a mirror back-talks twice,

Flips meaning upside down, then right again.

Am I reared rude enough in the U.S.

To violate the sacred ghazal form?

A mirrored blue sea/sky in Genesis

Revealed the first rhyme of dichotomies.

A) Mirror–2 B) God–1 C) –o.

Which of the above matches your being?

You:I, or me:Him (the eternal split

Of object and subject in poetry).

Ghazal Games

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