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Ghazal Game #1

Think of the greatest love you’ve ever had ( ).

Write his/her name in the space provided _____________.

As long as you reiterate this name,

The semblance of this ghazal is complete: _____________!

Don’t doubt, no matter what terror may come,

That God will fill your emptiness with Dear _____________.

For me, Janette. For Dante, Beatrice.

For Rumi, Sham-y-Tabriz. And for you? _____________.

Space makes the greatest rhyme. Sufis know this,

In spite of their lust for someone just like _____________.

Now burn your useless books! You’ll learn much more

Inside schoolhouses of desire taught by _____________.

Is it so silly, making readers work?

Doesn’t most poetry ask you to find _____________?

“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here

To join (state your full name) and (state his/hers) __________ . . .”

Computer code, universal language,

Breaks down when translating the essence of _____________.

Would you obsess over your petty shame?

Instead, substitute it with a kiss from _____________.

All maps lead you to bliss. Your GPS

Just estimates the time and distance to _____________.

Before the loggers come for the last tree,

Write this last line with a sharp knife: I _____________.

At this point, do you think you really chose _____________?

Before you were born, you were chosen by _____________!

Ghazal Games

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