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This is a motivational book. I wrote this book for the primary purpose of inspiring the reader with the ideas that have kept me excited, productive, and passionate all of my professional life. Like you, I have experienced the ups and downs, the bad and the good, the failures and successes, but it has been this understanding of wealth that has kept me balanced, buoyant, and blessed. No, I haven’t written this book to help you become a millionaire, even though I do know God will entrust the gift of millions to some who read and live out the principles in this book, I’ve written this book to inspire you. My major concern throughout this book is to help you, the reader, see yourself as God sees you: valuable, worthy, and thus wealthy. My heart bleeds as I watch the masses of people caught in the pursuit of material wealth at the expense of their worship of God, only to be disappointed either by never getting material wealth or by the emptiness they discover once they obtain it.

I really do believe wealth is a gift. Once I unearthed this wealth concept in the Sabbath mine, I was free to live my life unchained by the illusive pursuit of material wealth. Honestly, coming to this understanding hasn’t been easy, because I, too, have had to fight against ideologies that war against this God philosophy. I struggle, like you, to keep balanced in a world that tells me that I’m worth something only if I have something, a world that pushes me to believe my self-worth is tied to my net worth, and that views me as something of worth based on my pedigree, posterity, and pigmentation. But it has been the Sabbath truth that confirmed in me who I am, whose I am, and what I am truly worth. The weekly pilgrimage to worship God has been my wellspring. It has been my water at the bottom of the financial barrel, my well in my financial deserts, my reality check in my financial success. What I am sharing with you in this book is from my heart, gleaned from more than five decades of walking with God and nearly forty years of ministry. The information discovered in this book is grounded in the infallible wisdom of the ages, the Bible and illustrated by three original fables that I have written about Shabbat, The Worker Bee, to rivet the concepts in your mind. Personally speaking, after reading dozens of wealth creation books and economics textbooks, I found the Bible to be the best economics textbook ever written, outlining the soundest principles on wealth creation. I believe there is a triple blessing (spiritual, social, and financial) awaiting you as you read this book. Be blessed.

- Dr. Roland J. Hill

Wealth: It's In Your Worship Not Your Works

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