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For nearly forty years, I have worked through, meditated on, researched, and studied biblical concepts of wealth in my search for the truth about wealth. It has been a difficult journey through the jungle of wealth misinformation that exist outside of the Bible. The truth about wealth is tangled up, tied up, and hidden in the undergrowth of non-biblical philosophies many of which are unsuitable for Christian consumption. This book is the clearing in the jungle. I have chopped away much of the undergrowth so that you can see and experience the true meaning of wealth. You will discover that wealth is a gift. It is not something you earn, but something you receive. Only after hacking through the thick jungle of wealth misinformation with my biblical machete (large cutting tool used in the jungle) did I come to understand this revolutionary concept about wealth as a gift. Ironically, for many years, even as a Sabbath observer, I was lost in the jungle of misinformation about wealth. I read good books on wealth creation, but I never discovered the Mother lode. I kept cutting away the thick choking vines of the Puritan work ethic, the boot-strapping philosophy, and the prosperity gospel, searching for wealth’s true meaning. I felt, at times, like Indiana Jones in the movie Raiders of the Lost Ark, as I chopped down long-standing trees of religious tradition and overgrown shrubs of New Age philosophy in search of the Mother Lode. When I finally cut-a-way a clearing in the jungle of wealth misinformation, I realized that the Mother Lode, the big vein, had been right in front of me all the time. The Mother Lode is the Sabbath. It is the principal vein to the understanding and receiving of wealth. As I dug into the Mother Lode of the Sabbath, the riches in this ancient mine were like striking gold in the Sierra Nevada Mountains in the 1800’s. Every shovel scooped up contained wealth beyond my wildest imagination. I no longer felt poor and worthless. Standing in this ancient mine, I knew then that God made humans wealthy. I knew that while wealth may include material possessions ultimately, wealth is about value–God’s value of humans and what human’s value is in the world. In searching out the meaning of wealth as found in the Sabbath, I discovered Ore Wealth placed in us by God. I found the creative wealth genius that is in every person and recognized why a weekly pilgrimage to the ancient mine to worship God is essential. This is no ordinary book. This book will open to you deep treasures that will completely change your outlook on wealth and yourself. You will leave this book cheerfully obeying the Law of Dependence as the Divine Law of Attraction is activated in your life. This book will open to you the abundant life discovered through a biblical understanding of the meaning of true wealth and the divine process for creating material wealth.

- Dr. Roland J. Hill

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“In the depth of the Sabbath, this eternal mine, one finds God’s grace. Grace is God’s unmerited favor. It is His unearned generosity bestowed on all of His creation. This eternal attribute of God hidden in the depth of the Sabbath is the essence of the meaning of wealth.”

- Dr. Roland J. Hill

Wealth: It's In Your Worship Not Your Works

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