Читать книгу Complications in Canine Cranial Cruciate Ligament Surgery - Ron Ben-Amotz - Страница 25

2.2.2 ASA Status and Endocrinopathies


Preoperative ASA score (Table 2.3) has been correlated with risk for developing an SSI, such that the risk for SSI increases with each increment in ASA score [2]. As ASA scores take into consideration the overall health status of a patient, the higher the ASA score, the more systemically ill the patient. Animals with endocrinopathies have also been identified to be 8.2 times more likely to develop an SSI, likely due to alterations in immune function [3]. Logically, if an animal has a chronic illness, such as an unmanaged or poorly controlled endocrinopathy, postponement of elective orthopedic procedures until these illnesses are adequately addressed should be considered, when possible.

Complications in Canine Cranial Cruciate Ligament Surgery

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