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About This Book

What Does This Book Cover?

This book is designed to fulfill two purposes: one is to teach statistical concepts and the other is to show you how to perform statistical analysis using SAS Studio.

The book starts out with two short, introductory chapters describing statistical analysis (both descriptive and inferential) and experimental design. Following the introductory chapters are several chapters that show you how to download and install SAS University Edition (along with SAS Studio) and how to navigate your way around SAS Studio tasks. There is one chapter on descriptive statistics, summarizing data both in table and graphical form. The remainder of the book describes most of the statistical tests that you will need for an introductory course in statistics.

Is This Book for You?

As the title suggests, this book is intended for someone with little or no knowledge of statistics and SAS, but it is also useful for someone with more statistical expertise who might not be familiar with SAS. One of the important points for beginners or people with more extensive knowledge of statistics, is a discussion of the assumptions that need to be satisfied for a particular statistical test to be valid. That is especially important because with SAS Studio tasks, anyone can click a mouse and perform very advanced statistical tests.

What Should You Know about the Examples?

Because you can download all of the programs and data sets used in this book from the SAS website, you can run any or all of the programs yourself to better understand how perform them.

Example Code and Data

You can access the example code and data for this book by linking to its author page at https://support.sas.com/cody.

SAS University Edition

This book is compatible with SAS University Edition. Although all the examples in the book were run using SAS University Edition, you can use SAS On Demand for Academics or SAS Studio.

Where Are the Exercise Solutions?

Solutions to all the odd-numbered exercises are included at the end of the book. For those individuals who are not students, are working on their own, or are faculty members, please contact SAS Press for solutions to all of the exercises.

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A Gentle Introduction to Statistics Using SAS Studio

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