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Chapter 3: What Is SAS University Edition?


How to Download SAS University Edition



Many of you will be accessing SAS Studio along with SAS University Edition. If you are using SAS Studio with an edition of SAS that is not SAS University Edition, you can skip this chapter and continue on to Chapter 4, which discusses SAS Studio tasks. If you are already familiar with SAS Studio, you can jump all the way to Chapter 6 to see how you can use SAS Studio to manage and report your data and create graphs and reports. Later chapters show you how to perform most of the statistical tasks performed by statisticians. The examples in this book all use SAS University Edition, but users of SAS Studio in other environments will see that the statistical tasks are identical to the ones described here.

SAS University Edition is a full version of SAS software that is free to anyone, and it runs on Microsoft Windows computers as well as Apple laptops and Linux workstations. How can this be?

When you download this free software, you agree that you will not use it for commercial purposes. As a student or researcher using SAS University Edition to learn how SAS works, this is not a problem. Once you have mastered the statistical and other tasks using SAS University Edition, you can use those same skills with the licensed versions of SAS used by universities and in the corporate world.

A huge advantage of using SAS University Edition is that you access SAS using an interface called SAS Studio. This provides a programming environment that enables you to write SAS programs, but, more importantly, provides you with an interactive, point-and-click interface where you can quickly and easily run a large variety of statistical tests.

This looks too good to be true. Well, there is a slight complication that results from allowing SAS University Edition to run on PCs, Apple, and Linux computers—that is, you need to download and install something called virtualization software. If you are not familiar with this term, you are not alone. This author was a complete novice using virtualization software when my book, An Introduction to SAS University Edition, was written. Since then, especially with the help of my younger son, I am much more comfortable with these tools.

A virtual computer is a computer that runs on your real computer, running its own operating system and accessing files on your real computer (this is the tricky part). In the PC (Windows) environment, you have several choices of virtualization software. SAS is now recommending a product called Oracle VM VirtualBox. You can download this for free for your own use. This is an “open source” product that is supported by Oracle Systems, and it supports all of the operating systems mentioned. The other alternative for Windows and Linux is called VMware Workstation Player (formally, just called VMware Player). This is still free for non-commercial use. For Apple products, you can also run VMware Fusion (there is a fee).

Because SAS is now recommending VirtualBox for PC users, the screenshots in this book will use that product. This author has installed both VirtualBox and VMware Player and determined that once you enter the SAS Studio environment, you cannot tell the difference. The bottom line is that once you install one of the virtualization tools, all of the tasks and SAS programs will run exactly the same.

How to Download SAS University Edition

Many of you, this author included, often feel a bit nervous when downloading and installing new software. If you are in this group (probably a bit older like me), find a younger, tech-savvy person to look over your shoulder.

To obtain your free copy of SAS University Edition, use the following URL:


This brings up the following screen (Figure 3.1).

Figure 3.1: Obtaining SAS University Edition

Click the box labeled “Get free software” to bring up the next screen (Figure 3.2).

From here on, if you see the word “click,” assume it means left-click. Anytime a right-click is required, it will be specified.

Figure 3.2: Next Step in Obtaining SAS University Edition

Choose your operating system. Be sure to scroll down after you select your operating system to access the instructions to set up, download, configure, and use SAS University edition. (See Figure 3.3.)

Figure 3.3: The Four Steps to Installing SAS University Edition

It’s as easy as one, two, three, four! As you click on each step, you can watch a video or, if you have already read the PDF and are confident, you can begin downloading VirtualBox and SAS University Edition.

Figure 3.4: SAS Download Screen

As you scroll down in the step 1 screen, you will be offered the opportunity to load Oracle VirtualBox software. (See Figure 3.5 below.)

Figure 3.5: Download VirtualBox

Once you have downloaded the virtualization software, click on one of the links farther down on the screen, download a PDF, or watch a video (or both) giving you detailed instructions how to set up your virtualization software and SAS Studio.

When you are finished setting up VirtualBox, continue on to download and install SAS University Edition.

Figure 3.6: Download Appropriate Version of SAS University Edition

Scrolling down, you will see the following:

Figure 3.7: Instructions to Download the University Edition

All you need to do is click the Get SAS University Edition box and save the file in your download directory. If you don’t already have a SAS Profile, you will be asked to create one (it’s free). SAS University Edition is a very large file and, depending on your download speed, it could take a long time to download (even hours if your download speed is as slow as what I have in my rural Texas home).

The screen for the third step looks like this:

Figure 3.8: Configuring Your System

Continue with the instructions shown below.

Figure 3.9: Setting Up a Shared Folder

This step adds SAS University Edition to your virtual computer. The next step is very important: it shows you how to set up a shared folder so that SAS University Edition, which is running on your virtual computer can read files on your real computer.

Figure 3.10: Setting up a Shared Folder

Although this looks a bit complicated, you only have to do it once. For learning purposes, this might be the only shared folder that you need. If you need to read files from locations other than

SASUniversityEdition\myfolders directory

you will need to create other shared folders. To help understand how shared folders work, suppose you have an Excel file called Grades.xlsx and you want to have access to it inside University Edition. On a Windows platform, you would place the file in the following location:


On a Mac, you would use:


You are almost finished. A screen shot of step 4 is shown next.

Figure 3.11: Beginning Step 4

The instructions below show you how to start your virtual computer and run SAS University Edition.

Figure 3.12: Instructions for Running SAS University Edition

You will want to create bookmarks for VirtualBox and SAS University Edition so that you don’t have to type the URLs every time you want to use SAS.


Yes, there is a bit of work (some of it scary) to set up and run SAS University Edition on your computer. However, there are many sources of help if you have trouble.

The next few chapters discuss some of the built-in data sets that you can use to perfect your skills, as well as instructions for using your own data, either on Excel spreadsheets (a very common data source) or CSV (comma-separated values files).

A Gentle Introduction to Statistics Using SAS Studio

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