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Praise for In Changing Times

Ron Higdon has drawn on his fifty years of ministry experience to suggest ways interim ministers can deal with the illusions, anxieties, conflicts and communication problems in the churches where they serve. Higdon offers a clear and honest appraisal of how to understand the dynamics of congregations and how one can provide helpful leadership during the interim time. This book provides a needed resource tool for interim ministers. I commend it highly.

William Powell Tuck, Interim Pastor

Westover Baptist Church, Richmond, VA

Upon hearing him preach regularly, a seminary professor of theology commented that Ron Higdon could take a complicated theological concept and put it in a sentence that could be easily digested. In this writing Ron brings this gift to the table set with transition times in the life of congregations. He is clear, to the point, biblically sound and realistic. He prepares the menu from the perspective of vast ministry background and what he has experienced as best for a congregation seeking health and wholeness for its divinely-given journey.

Bob Ivan Johnson, Ph.D

Interim ministry specialist and church consultant

Being “too soon old and too late smart,” Ron Higdon offers valuable insights for ministry, Christian leadership, and growing as a disciple of Christ. He invites readers to become conversation partners in a journey of thought and self-reflection. He writes as a pastor, a scholar, a leader, and a lifelong learner. His insights are exciting and affirming; we are all pilgrims journeying together. He is a modern-day prophet, savvy enough to know that the future is not as important as today yet that the future depends on what we do today.

Bo Prosser, Ed.D.

Coordinator of Organizational Relationships

Cooperative Baptist Fellowship

Ron Higdon is right: “the time to discuss the characteristics of a healthy church is … NOW!” Drawing upon decades of experience and his discipline to be reflective and thoughtfully observant, Higdon has created an entertaining and insightful guide to life in the real world of congregations. Blending biblical and conventional wisdom with relevant stories and experiences has produced a superb guide toward a healthy ministry and church. Thank you, Ron, for this diary/map/motivational message!

Bill Wilson

Director, The Center for Healthy Churches

The title of this book is a good clue to its valuable content—especially when you realize Ron Higdon has seen “changing times” in life and ministry for more than a half century. Unlike some who quit reading and learning once they receive their diploma, Ron Hidgon has been a life long learner. In Changing Times: A Guide for Reflection and Conversation reveals that the author is a voracious reader of books and people and situations.

The sub-title of his book is also telling; it provides a good clue that the author respects the views of others and invites conversation. The author provides a role-model for congregations in this regard. What better way for congregations to face their ever-changing and challenging landscape than to apply the words of the last chapter: “Major on Conversation, Candor, and Compassion.”

The author achieves his goal by providing tools for pastors and church leaders as they deal with “anxiety and conflict and an understanding of church dynamics.” This is a book “tool” you will read and re-read, mark and re-mark, dogear and reach for repeatedly to recover that much needed insight and quote.

John Lepper

Retired Coordinator, Kentucky Baptist Fellowship

In Changing Times

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