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This book includes a number of incidents drawn from churches I served; I have attempted to disguise the situations but some will quickly recognize their congregation. This is another one of those times in which I find it easier to ask for forgiveness than for permission! I have attempted to be “pastoral” in my assessments and as non-judgmental as possible. My purpose is to use concrete illustrations that provide the necessary “earthiness” for the truths I am attempting to share. My wife would call this “taking it out of the box.”

I dedicated my book, In the Meantime, to all the congregations with whom I have worked. My gratitude to all of them for their support, encouragement, and opportunities for “learning on the job” only increases with the years. Nothing written here is intended to be dismissive; I still believe every place I served was a part of God’s providence for my life and ministry. It was where I was meant to be at the time; my regret is that I could not bring the wisdom of later times to every aspect of my ministry then. Unlike those who have perfect 20/20 hindsight, mine is probably still more like 20/40. My plea for mercy is that I did the best I could for where I was, with what I had. Even now, although I believe I see much more clearly, like Paul, I continue to see in a mirror dimly (1 Corinthians 13:12).

Although many of these ideas were whirling about in my head, I had been unable to find the best organizing principle. In a dinner conversation, Jim Lemon asked why I didn’t write a book in plain language based on my experiences that would help congregations deal with the problems and conflicts that are so much a part of any community’s life together. I knew immediately that is what I needed to do. Much of what I learned through intentional interim and consultant training was not a part of my basic seminary education. There seemed to be too few publications that brought the tools for dealing with anxiety and conflict, and an understanding of church dynamics, into the market place of everyday church experience for both pastor and congregant. This is what this book seeks to do. In plain language you will read about what I wish I had known from the beginning of my ministry but what you can and should know right now regardless of your church size or situation. A basic truth is that people are people.

Throughout this book I suggest some “possible” activities. Almost all of these are things I have done with congregations during intentional interims. They are listed as “possible” because each church is unique; selection and adaptation are required; one size never fits all. You will, no doubt, be able to come up with improved and different activities from the ones listed. I would appreciate hearing about them. (Contact information appears at the end of the book.)

Each section concludes with five “Questions for Reflection and Discussion.”

In Changing Times

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