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Recognizing the Three Reading Comprehension Question Formats


Being familiar with the question formats for the Reading Comprehension section helps you field the questions more confidently, because you know what to expect. The GRE presents each question in one of the following three formats:

 Multiple-choice: Choose one answer.

 Multiple-choice: Choose two or more answers.

 Sentence-selection: Choose a sentence from the passage.

The following sections describe each question format in greater detail and provide an example of each format based on the following short passage from Food Allergies For Dummies by Robert A. Wood, MD, with Joe Kraynak (Wiley):

Anaphylaxis resulting in death is relatively uncommon among children and young adults, because their cardiovascular systems are so resilient. This does not mean, however, that younger people are immune to severe anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis in younger people typically results in breathing difficulty — a constricted or blocked airway that causes a fatal or near fatal reaction.

GRE 2022 For Dummies with Online Practice

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